View Full Version : Best suited to higher temps

Wed Dec 15, 2010, 11:08 AM
Which dwarfs/apistos (besides rams) are best suited to Discus conditions. Temp is around 29C. Ph is 6.5ish.

I am thinking maybe some checkerboards but i want to look at all my options.

Wed Dec 15, 2010, 12:03 PM
Which dwarfs/apistos (besides rams) are best suited to Discus conditions. Temp is around 29C. Ph is 6.5ish.

I am thinking maybe some checkerboards but i want to look at all my options.

A great many Apistos will survive in the conditions you've outlined above but they'll simply live a shorter life. There are some Apistos that "tolerate" higher temps better than others but I'd have to go through the Atlas to jog my memory. At 29C and PH 6.5 you'd get away with most but desires to breed Apistos in such an environment would be a different kettle of fish entirely.

I once kept (short-term) a pair of A.macmasteri in with my Discus and the male wouldn't tolerate the Discus - they were the only thing in the tank brighter than he was and he harrassed them terribly. The macs were duly rehoused and bred successfully. I then off-loaded the entire colony with the exception of 2 females which now, some 3 years later, are remarkably gorgeous - all bronze like. It is often only when mature that Apistos show their true colours.

Wed Dec 15, 2010, 04:43 PM
I'd look at some of the Columbian and Venezualan apistos that might be available locally, or dicrossus filamenosus. Tetras that are fine at these temps are rummynose and green neon tetras.

Thu Dec 30, 2010, 10:12 AM
i have some Laetacara curviceps in with my discus tank
and it is at 6.6 and at 29-32 it is a 6ft
and they are doing good there are 8 of them in there
look them up if u want