View Full Version : My recent additions

Wed Dec 01, 2010, 08:58 PM
Meet my recent additions (they are just waiting in my 2ft tank atm, while my 4ft cycles)

Aphrodite & Rhea

Themis (my Pearl Pigeon)

Oceanus (my other Pearl Pigeon) & Themis is half in frame

Themis & Oceanus (Themis is on the left and Oceanus on the right)

So to explain the names.

Zeus (who you have seen in an earlier post) is the Kings of the Gods
Aphrodite is the Goddess of Love
Rhea is the Goddess of female fertility, motherhood, and generation (one of the 12 Titans)
Themis is the Goddess of divine law and order (one of the 12 Titans)
Oceanus God of the Earth-encircling river Oceanus, the font of all the Earth's fresh-water (one of the 12 Titans)

Themis and Oceanus came from Boxters last night. Mighty impressed with the quality.[/img]

Wed Dec 01, 2010, 10:01 PM
nice choice :) looks like Boxters is going to be running out of stock if they are all like them :thumb

Wed Dec 01, 2010, 10:08 PM
Certainly happy with the EOM clearance... To have fish of that quality left over at the end of the month says that Boxters must have had some pretty fine ones to start with.

Aphrodite and Rhea were from my LFS (i got them the day they arrived at his shop) and they were the pick of the bunch. Still alot of growing to do but hopefully they'll grow nicely.

Thu Dec 02, 2010, 09:55 AM
VERY NICE Pidgeons!! No wonder you're very happy with them. Looks like I'll be keeping Boxters in mind when I finally get the chance to restock.. ;)

Discus Planetarium
Tue Dec 07, 2010, 05:14 AM
verry nice love them pb

Tue Dec 07, 2010, 07:24 AM
Nice colour in those turks

Tue Dec 07, 2010, 08:04 AM
is that a 2ft cube.