View Full Version : Fiveband barbs with discus and angels?

Fri Nov 12, 2010, 04:59 PM
I'm about to establish a 530 l discus tank (with 10-15 discus depending of size), with a handful of blue rams to go with some hot-water loris and corys. I might perhaps add an angel or two.
I'd like to add a smaller schooling fish, and by reading some of the posts here, it seems that most people would recommend harlequin rasboras or rummynoses?
As an alternative, does anybody have experience with the fiveband barb (puntius pentazona)? I know that some barbs are aggressive and fin-nipping (e.g. tigerbarb) - but would the fiveband do the same or just be too boisterous for the discus?
I'd really appreciate suggestions, thanks.

Fri Nov 12, 2010, 05:23 PM
Barbs of any description are a no-no in a discus tank. They are too fast and tail nippers. If you mix them, your discus will spend all day hiding.


H :wink:

Fri Nov 12, 2010, 06:01 PM
Hi Hollowman,
Thanks for your advice - I'll go with the harlequins instead, then.

Fri Nov 12, 2010, 07:21 PM
no problem, you will be fine with the tetra's :)