View Full Version : Fry dying off

Sun Oct 24, 2010, 02:50 AM
Hi All,

I currently have a batch of fry that are almost seven weeks old. Over the last few days I have been losing one or two per day. Generally the fry seem to be healthy except that one or two are going downhill quickly each day.

The fry are in a standard 4' ((190 ltr) bare bottom tank, two pieces of well aged driftwook which have been a regular spawning site, parents still with the fry but planning to remove parents today. I am changing 60 ltr per day using RO water with discus essentials added, this process has been in place well before spawning. THe tank was a Q tank for a shipment of discuss and they paired up and started spawning on me in April this year. Tank was treated for worms/parasites including gill flukes towards the end of May.

Water parameters are Amm 0, NitrIte 0, NitrAte 0, Ph 6.0 - 6.5, Kh 10, Gh 20, temperature 28 - 29.

Do I treat for worms flukes again now or maintain/increase water change regime?

Hoping for some advise soon. Pics taken of the fry with parents about 10 days ago can be viewed here http://forum.simplydiscus.com/showthread.php?p=688095#post688095



Sun Oct 24, 2010, 10:14 AM
Anyone with any suggestions?



Mr Wild
Sun Oct 24, 2010, 10:27 AM
I would redo fluke treatment, I have done so in the past and have had advice to that effect as well. Good Luck

Sun Oct 24, 2010, 11:25 AM
Thanks for that Kath,

Full dose?



Sun Oct 24, 2010, 12:00 PM
Hi Bob. Gillflukes are difficult to eradicate at the best of times. Parents should be treated twice for gill flukes before being put into the breeding tank.

At this stage, I think flukes are your main problem. They tend to be responsible for a lot of unexplained deaths in fry aged four to 8 weeks.

Do a full treatment, include the parents then remove the parents to another tank. It's time the fry were on their own. They should be getting fed four times a day with quality food, including beefheart.

Water change should be at least 50% twice a day if you can manage it.

Some recent photos would be good.

Sun Oct 24, 2010, 12:23 PM
Hi Merrilyn,

Thanks for that. As mentioned the parents have been treated for worms/fluke once when I first got them in March and again at the end of May. I wasn't intending to breed they just seem to keep at it.

I am feeding at least four times a day. A couple of times with beef heart, once with black worms soaked in Pro-More and some Nutri-fin products.

I will up the changes but don't think I will be able to manage 50% but will do my best.

I will see what I can do re pics. Haven't been able to upload recently.



Sun Oct 24, 2010, 12:28 PM
Hi Merrilyn,

Hopefully some pics of the parents and the fry. Sorry, still can't upload. Can I attach pics to a PM?



Sun Oct 24, 2010, 01:17 PM
Hi Bob, unfortunately we've been having problems with our server. I had hoped it would have been fixed this weekend. In the meantime, can you use something like photobucket to post pictures.

I thought the big water changes might be a problem for you. Ummm wonder if you can just vacuum out the uneaten food half an hour after feeding, then just before lights out, do a big waterchange. That will leave them overnight in clean water.

How many fry do you have in the tank? I'ts a standard 4 foot isn't it?

Sun Oct 24, 2010, 01:24 PM
Hi Merrilyn,

I am taking out the uneaten food within a short time of eating. Will try the vacc and change just before ligths out. I am running a small light at the moment.

Best estimate was around 40 - 50 fry mid week probably less than 40 at the moment. Yes it is a standard 4, around 190 ltrs.

I have uploaded a couple of pics on SimplyDiscus forums here http://forum.simplydiscus.com/showthread.php?p=691352#post691352



Sun Oct 24, 2010, 01:38 PM
That's a nice big tank to grow out 40 or so fry. Your water should be just about perfect with the vacuuming and one big waterchange at the end of the day.

Remember that discus are slow feeders, and like to graze, so give them a good half hour before removing anything leftover.

I think once you get on top of the gill flukes, you'll see very few problems from here on in.

Mon Oct 25, 2010, 09:24 AM
Hi Merrilyn,

I treated the tank with Aquamaster Fluke & Tapeworm tablets today. Praziquantel at 100 mg per tablet at the recommended dose (1 per 20 ltr). Directions say change 25% water after 48 hours. Should I follow directions or maintain 50% water change daily?



Mon Oct 25, 2010, 09:30 AM
Just syphon out any uneaten food, without replacing any water, after each feed, then follow the directions on the pack. It needs the full 48 hours to do the job. Flukes are tough little buggers.

You don't want to dilute the dose by replacing syphoned water, till the full 48 hours are up.

Mon Oct 25, 2010, 09:42 AM
Hi Merrilyn,

Thanks, I rather thought that might be the case.



Mon Oct 25, 2010, 09:45 AM
Imo these fry had a bad start with your Dgh being so high. Secondly fry are very sensitive to any sudden change in water parameters. I very rarely change more than 10% of my water on a daily basis with new borns. I start upping the water changes once the fish are well developed and about 4cm. I would also reccommend Discus wormer plus and fluke medication as its a very light med which causes the fish no stress. Visit my website for more info on this product. www.marlonsdiscus.com.au

Mon Oct 25, 2010, 11:53 AM
Thanks Marlon,

I think you are misreading the Gh/Kh parameters I gave. The numbers are ppm not degrees dKH.

