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View Full Version : Getting rid of BB algae.

Mon Sep 27, 2010, 12:52 PM
A question for all the plant gurus out there.

Most of you know I've got brown thumbs, well it seems I can grow a pretty good crop of BBA and now I need to know how to get rid of it :lol:

I've got a corner 200 lt tank, with just a few Amazon Swords and about 10 gold veil tail angels. The driftwood in the tank is absolutely covered with BBA. Plants are unaffected. Not sure why, but there is nothing at all on the swords. It's confined to the driftwood.

Now, what I need to know is, can I do a double dose of Flourish Excel to rid the BBA while the fish are in the tank? Any adverse side effects to the fish, and how long do I continue the treatment?

Mon Sep 27, 2010, 01:17 PM
Hi Merrilyn
I double dose with flourish exel on the days i do water changes and dose as per instructions every other day .I also use a syringe and squirt the flourish exel straight onto the bba .It doesnt seem to hurt the fish not that i have seen anyway .

Mon Sep 27, 2010, 09:28 PM
2x the maintence dose will be fine, 2x the initial dose can cause problems, safer is to take the wood out and put in the laundry sink over night with a bottle of hydrogen peroxide, 100ml of 6% in a good sized laundry tup will kill it overnight.

Sat Oct 02, 2010, 06:42 AM
When i do dose it onto my plants or driftwood.
I spot target the ploblem area :)
The again 4 days later .