View Full Version : Joz says hello

Thu Sep 16, 2010, 03:14 AM
Hi everyone.

Stumbled across this place a little while ago and have been lurking since.
So I thight it was about time to join and say hi.

A bit about myself.

I have been keeping fish since I was a youngster then about 20 years ago I started to get somewhat serious about breeding not only fish but tanks aswell it seemed.
Then of course came discus.

Soon I had a fish room(converted garage) with about 50-60 tanks all plumbed with overflows and connected to both drainage and to my heated water stoarage/filtering tanks.The room heated by two wall furnaces,two just incase one died.

Then for many years I bred any discus I cdould get my hands on and became quite busy with my hobby.

But since I have moved house and sold off my many tanks and have just kept one display in the house.
This tank is 8'x 2'x2.5'.
This tank is also plumbed to drainage via overflows and is topped up automatically vai a tap timer from outside the house.
I have the tank planted these days with only a small number of discus which have bred successfully a few times in the community situation.
Their tank mates are guppies which were to provide a source of live food when they bred but it seems my discus are to lazy to chase guppy fry.
There are a couple of cory's,bristlenose cats aswell as a smallish sailfin pleco to keep the tank looking tidy.

So overall this tank is uber low maintainance which suits my lifestyle atm as the kids have me chasing after them these days.

Wil I get bak into breeding again???

Thanks for reading my rant :)

Thu Sep 16, 2010, 03:37 AM
Hi and welcome to the forum.
Sounds like you had a pretty impressive set up going!!! Is there any chance you have any pics of your set up and current tank??? I love pics lol :lol:

Mickey C
Thu Sep 16, 2010, 04:44 AM
Your setup in your garage sounds like something I'd have 20 years from now! Except that I'd want cars in the garage and a fishroom elsewhere in the house :)

I'm sure there's a lot of members here who'd love to hear from your experience - probably me at least is one :)

Thu Sep 16, 2010, 01:47 PM
I'll have to take a new pic the next chance I get or resize an existing but older one.

Sat Sep 18, 2010, 09:46 PM
Yea first pic loaded.I apologise for the quality but I'm a lazy photographer.
These pics are now quite old but you'll get the idea.


Sat Sep 18, 2010, 09:48 PM
with young in the community tank.

