View Full Version : Help - tumor like nodules

Sat Jul 17, 2010, 03:08 AM
Hey guys,

A couple of weeks ago I bought a young trio of agassizii "Alenquer". Late last week the the male spawned with both females in a period of 3 days. Needless to say, the tank only being 2x1 he copped it a bit from both females.

So I moved him to a spare tank on Monday. He had a few missing scales and what I thought to be a couple of minor head/gill injuries. I am now concerned as he has started to develop small nodules around his gill and mouth area, quite similar to the photo of the Encapsulated metecercaria on page 227 of Cichlid Atlas 1. I am not suggesting he has Encapsulated metecercaria, just saying that what the nodules are starting to look like.

Otherwise the male seems to be recovering, though he is breathing somewhat faster than normal.

Has anyone else ever come across similar symptons? or have any idea what may be wrong with him and know how to treat him?


Sat Jul 17, 2010, 07:52 AM
Hmmm...apistos + nodules = TB.....could be bad news Im afraid


Sat Jul 17, 2010, 10:10 AM
Yeah, that's one of the things I was afraid of. At this stage I can not see any similar growths on the females.

Sat Jul 17, 2010, 10:28 PM
I feel any disease we get is bad - being such a fragile fish and having no meds really sucks.

I would be looking at pulling the female early from the fry in the hope that my fry do not have it - quarantine females in a seperate tank.

Sun Jul 18, 2010, 12:55 AM
With "Wild" caught fish....It is probably best to get them to breed then isolate the offspring....you just don't know what diseases/parasites they are carrying....and when they may make their presence known

Hope it works out well..... :wink: