View Full Version : Carmy’s CX01 Breeding Platform

Wed Jun 30, 2010, 02:44 PM
Overview: Carmen eXperiment Breeding Platform

To further the understanding by caring, catering & breeding her chosen Apistogramma species.

My self appointed role is to start the aquarium log, provide assistance if needed & watch her create her chosen environment.

Carmy will update as things proceed.

To kick it off, lets get the basic’s down for reference.

Aquarium Size: 36x20x20inch.

Initial Set-Up Date: 22/06/10

Initial Start Up Equipment:

2 x Cups ceramic noodle (Cycle seeding- Temporary placement -Filter box & Sand bed surface)
1 x Sponge O2 riser
1 x O2 riser filter box
1 x 100w Aquaone heater (Temporary unit)
1 x Aquaone 7500 series air pump (360l/hr approx)
1 x T5 HO Glo 24w twin 2ft lighting unit. (Temporary unit)

Start Up Scope:

Tap Water initial Set-up. (RO water use pending)

Triple washed white sand. (Actual bed design pending)
(Further washed 2-3 times via tap water before inclusion)

L/XL Forest garden ordered.
Dwarf Hairgrass current occupancy. (pending)
(Further stocking inclusions or choices pending)

Initial Inclusions:
Almond Leaves (order pending)

Mis items:
1 x quarts compound rock as a O2 riser weight.

Cycle Nutrient Kick Start: 2 x TetraMin waffers (72hrs)

Initial Benchmarks:

Preliminary testing 22/06
Tap water fresh - 7.6PH@23degC
Tap water de-gas - 7.4PH@23degC
Sand PH - 6.0PH/tap water@23degC

Initial 7day System Test.

Liquid Reagent Test1

Temp: 25degC
KH: 1deg
PH Low: 7.6 - off the scale
PH High: 8.8 - off the scale
GH: 2deg

NH3: .50
NO2: Nil
NO3: N/A


(Digital EC/PH to confirm future readings)
PH values is larger than anticipated -even for a new system. Testing temp 2deg less! Re-do element testing for benchmark.

Water Test
Tap collection time: 6pm 29/06/10
Initial Water Temp: 20.5deg C
Ambient Room Temp: 18degC - raised to 22degC
Testing Water Temp: 21 - 22degC

Vial1 Test 6:15pm
PH Low: 7.6
PH High: 7.4
KH: 2deg
NH3: 0

Vial2 Test 7:15pm (de-gas)
PH Low: 7.0 /7.2
PH High: 7.4
KH: 2deg
NH3: N/A

Sand Test

Left over de-gas water @7:15pm
Initial 3 vial test
A1 : 1ml unwashed sand, 5ml water, reagent. 6.0PH
A2 : 5ml water, reagent, 1ml unwashed sand. 6.0PH
A3 : 5ml water, reagent, 1ml washed sand. 6.4PH

7 day sand test. Rule out any changes.
(Alphanumeric corresponds with vials.)
A - 29/06. 7:30pm. 6.0PH
B - 29/06 10:30pm. 6.0PH
C - 30/6 ( Day2 )
D - 1/7 ( Day3 )
E - 2/7 ( Day4 )
F - 3/7 ( Day5 )
G - 4/7 ( Day6 )
H - 5/7 ( Day7 )



And the journey continues.....