View Full Version : Discus fatalities - what tank conditions are best?

Steve Williams
Mon Mar 29, 2010, 11:01 AM

I have been keeping discus for around 12 months in a planted tank, fertilised regularly and CO2 injection. Unfortunately, over the last couple of months, I have lost many discus - in large numbers initially and then one or 2 per week. I have 3 left, which seem to be doing okay. I can't seem to identify the problem. All the other tankmates (predominantly corys and tetras have been fine).

I take my water down to the LFS each week and they advise me that my parameters are fine - PH of 7.4, no ammonia, nitrates or nitrites. Plants are doing okay. I do 50% water changes weekly.

I have read much and visited many sites and stores, and spoken to breeders. Unfortunately, I get told many things.

The last thing that I have been advised is that if I want to keep discus, I should not have any other fish in the aquarium (ie. not in a community tank), no substrate, no plants and no driftwood. And pH must be below 7.

Is this reasonable to expect? I am tearing my hair out in trying to get things sorted. I want to ensure the fish are healthy and live for longer than a few weeks or months.

Thanks for any advice.

Steve W