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View Full Version : strange threesome

Sun Feb 20, 2005, 08:11 AM
I came home today and was quite surprised to find my rose red laying eggs on a pot. This is the first time she has done this and im a little confused as to, what she is thinking. I will explain why. About two weeks ago i introduced a pair, which have been spawning together for quite a while in LFS tank. My hope was they would continue this when i brought them home. From the very first day they wouldn’t leave each others side, but no spawning behavior. About 48 hours ago the rose red began to follow the pair around, i couldn’t tell if she was following one in particular as they never separate. Now today the rose red has begun to lay eggs, while she was doing this the pair were attacking her and eating the eggs as soon as they were laid.
I was just wondering if anyone else has experienced anything like.

Mon Feb 21, 2005, 03:15 AM
After keeping discus for thirty years, I have to say that nothing surprises me any more. LOL

I would say that your female was influenced by the pheremones given off by the mated pair, and was determined to lay eggs of her own. Without a mate however, her efforts were doomed. Any chance of getting another male for her?

Mon Feb 21, 2005, 06:18 AM
hehe agreed Ladyred, you think there are some weird and kinky humans, well discus are just suprising.

Thu Mar 03, 2005, 11:54 AM
just an update on the situation. Tonight both the pair and the lone rose red laid eggs at exactly the same time, just after their daily water change. This is the first time for the pair in my tank and the third time for the rose red, without anything even close to a partner. I have divided the tank in two with one lot of eggs on each side. On the one side the pair are attentively fanning the eggs while on the other side the RR just sits there looking at the eggs. Im sure she knows that their is something else that needs to be done but she doesn’t seem to know what. However she still guards the eggs ferociously. The three others who had to be kept on the same side are afraid to come out of the corner.

Thu Mar 03, 2005, 12:01 PM
Poor rose red. You are just gonna have to find her a boyfriend. She is determined to become a mummy.