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View Full Version : New pair

Mon Mar 01, 2010, 01:03 AM
Hi guys, I'm seeking advice on a relatively new pairing of blue Diamonds. They spawned recently (twice) in a community tank so I wasn't surprised when they ate their eggs two days after each spawn.
I've since separated them into a 2ft cube tank just before leaving for work overseas. I've been away 2wks now and my wife's told me they've spawned twice in the first week, getting to wrigglers on the 2nd attempt. They got to point of almost free swimming (brief trips off the breeding cone) before being eaten again. Now they've spawned twice over the last two days in two separate locations so now they are both looking after a brood of eggs. My wife is trying to get photos to me so I can at least feel like I'm there in spirit.
The tank holds 220ltr, running a 500lt/hr canister filter (minus head height losses) so no current. All the usual parameters are normal running at 6.6ph, 28'C.
Is this normal behaviour for a new pair, are they just learning how to get it right? Both fish are about 12mths old. :?

Old Dave
Tue Mar 02, 2010, 09:23 AM
Hi Swampy,

So your wife can get your discus to spawn & have wrigglers. :lol:
She is doing better than me because my male thinks spawning means "My Kitchen Rules". :ug

What size & colour are they?
I seem to remember a post about different types of discus maturing earlier than others.
They are still learning, give them time.

How is Mrs Swampy on baby brine shrimp? :wink: :wink:

Old Dave

Wed Mar 03, 2010, 12:51 AM
I know... how embarrassing! Even worse, she really doesn't like aquaruims but helps me out under duress while I'm away. I think if I asked her manage live BBS as well I'd be single again pretty quickly. :lol: I've stocked up frozen BBS as a compromise, it's the best I can do for now.
It's a Blue Diamond pair. They're both about the size of my palm (without tail), sorry I don't have a ruler handy. I've had the male for about 12mth from a juvie, and got the female recently from JC in Carlingford. They paired off pretty quickly after I released her in the communal tank.
I'm hoping they're just trying to get it right and that they're still keen when I finally get home..