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View Full Version : Discus habitat pictures

Mon Feb 15, 2010, 05:30 AM
Hi all.
Well my 4x2x2 planted discus tank is taking longer than I thought to happen.
I've started making a background for it, but images of the Amazon river bank are'nt that easy to find.
Yes some will say dont worry with a background, but I hate seeing the stuff behind a fishtank almost as much as I hate cleaning the back panr of glass.

I found some stuff, and in these images it looks kinda dark & murky (given the tanin in the water it's not surprising), but I'd like to know if anyone has any pics or advice that might be a little closer to the mark.

Any help would be appreciated.

Thanks in advance.

Mon Feb 15, 2010, 07:34 AM

Here's a site I found a while ago during planning for a new setup. Have a look and see what you think. The end result just depends on your imagination really. In this example they've gone for an African cichlid back drop but the possiblilites are endless. I'd go for something slightly similar but not as deep in the crevices between the rocks (hope that makes sence). I've also seen drift wood incorprated into these sorts of backgrounds.



Mon Feb 15, 2010, 10:32 AM
Hi Sean,

You could always have a look here


Some really nice bio-topes by Bleher, lots of good information.

I also wouldn't mind catching up regarding "how to get some discus" here if you would like.



Mon Feb 15, 2010, 01:05 PM
Great sites guys, thanks.

Yeah Bruce, would like to catch up when you have the chance.
My tanks a month or two away from being ready (but these days that time passes like a couple of weeks :shock: )

Still looking for the 'right' piece of wood for the tank, and a way to carry 200 litres of RO water to my place for a few weeks till the tank stabilises.
Might have to go the large wheelie bin route I think.

Any one got a few more ideas by any chance??

Tue Feb 16, 2010, 09:33 AM
I did find this

Doesn't look anywhere near as pretty as my tank will be :D