View Full Version : food for fry

Sat Feb 06, 2010, 04:28 AM
i have about 65 discus fry that are about 5 weeks old. (born on or about x-mas day)

they started out on their parents side, then moved onto baby brine shrimp, and HBH fry food. and when they discovered the blood worms the parents eat, well there was no going back.

the problem is with 65 little mouths to feed, 100gm block of blood worms doesnt last long and buying several blocks every 1-2 weeks can get pricy.

so i just wanted to kno what other breeders use to feed their fry ?

(without spending more on food than what you would get back when it came time to sell them)

also i have just moved them into their own 3ftx15x18 (140L) bare bottom grow out tank which has a fluval 305. i am hoiping that is enough tank size and filtration to keep them growing until they r 3 months old & r ready to sell.

Sat Feb 06, 2010, 05:47 AM
Hi Simmo, start them on some finely minced beefheart mix now. I'ts high in protein and will push the growth along nicely. You could also add some quality flake or crushed granulated food too.

Daily water changes are very important once you start them on solid food. I used to do a 50% change twice a day.

Stay away from bloodworms. They have a hard exoskeleton which can cause blockage in juvenile fish.