View Full Version : I need help please

Wed Jan 27, 2010, 09:19 AM
I have a tank of 13 discus, varing sorts, and sizes. On our big blue diamond we noticed a little white spot, over the course of 3 or 4 days this spot grew from the size of a match head to taking up a quarter of the fish. We treated the tank with Melafix, however this did not help and we lost the fish. We a worried that is has spread to other fish and we want to know what it is and how to cure it. If you could please help us asap that would be great thankyou. :( :cry:

Wed Jan 27, 2010, 09:53 AM
I have had success with Aquamaster Rapid White Spot Remedy I would give them about 2 treatmenst


Wed Jan 27, 2010, 10:02 AM
Thanks for that. However the white spot took up 2inch by 2inch on both sides of the fish. It started off as one spot the size of a match head, he was about 12cms. We have never seen anything like this before. Have had white spot before with gold fish, never had it on discus. Does it appear the same? Thanks for your help

Mr Wild
Wed Jan 27, 2010, 11:02 AM
Yes it will appear the same. Could it have been fungus? Did it look a little like cotton wool on the surface?
Could it have been the slime coat coming off?

Have you checked your ammonia and other params latlely? Could it be ammon burn?

Anything new added recently?

A little more info will help.

Wed Jan 27, 2010, 01:01 PM
I have a tank of 13 discus, varing sorts, and sizes. On our big blue diamond we noticed a little white spot, over the course of 3 or 4 days this spot grew from the size of a match head to taking up a quarter of the fish. We treated the tank with Melafix, however this did not help and we lost the fish. We a worried that is has spread to other fish and we want to know what it is and how to cure it. If you could please help us asap that would be great thankyou. :( :cry:

Sorry to hear you lost a fish, but you give us little information to help properly.
What size is the tank?
What is your water change regime?
Is it planted / substrate / or bare bottom?
What are your water parameters (the answer 'fine' is not enough)
Test results for:
Conductivity or TDS?
Feeding regime and types of food?
Cleaning after feeding ?

It sounds to me like your fish was suffering from many things before it died. Too many variables right now to tell.


Fri Jan 29, 2010, 08:37 AM
Sorry for not having much info in the first post, have never had to this before. Just with the question you asked me i went and got a sample of water tested at the pet shop and found our ammonia were way too high. so we are fixing the problem. So i know you may feel like you did nothing, just asking that question helped a lot, so thank you. Next time i will remember to include ALL relevant info in first contact. Thankyou and your site has been a big help in many ways.

Barry N
Fri Jan 29, 2010, 08:50 AM

Great to hear you are getting things sorted. Hollowman and numerous others on the site are a genuine encylopedia of knowledge - they are what makes it so great. Anyone else needing help has the best people just at their fingertips. Let us know how you are going with the others.

Sometimes it's not the answers but the questions that help.

All the best. :)

Fri Jan 29, 2010, 10:11 AM
Thanks for the kind words Barry, but I am no expert.

Cat, good to know that you have at least got a result that will help you understand the problems you are having.
Investing in your own test kits is a real must for all fish keepers imo. Knowing how to look after your water is the VERY most important thing we need to know. Do that, and your fish look after themselves.

Just keep asking questions and we will have you sorted in no time.

H :)

Sun Jan 31, 2010, 05:13 PM
hello, could i ask if u guys have any suggestion what the white spot is. Is that a fungal diseaes or related to the high ammonium level?

Sun Jan 31, 2010, 08:03 PM
I would suggest that it was more than likely a secondary infection due to sustained exposure to ammonia. The fish initially got worn down by the ammonia leaving it open to more infections.