View Full Version : sponge for air filters

Tue Nov 10, 2009, 11:53 AM
hi ,
what i am after is sponge for my sponge filters , because when i replace my sponges they cost near the same as the complete filter . now i know some
foam from like clark rubber toxic stuff that could harm the fish ... but is there some foam that i can buy in bulk over the counter , and has anyone here use foam from clark rubber

cheers andy

Tue Nov 10, 2009, 06:05 PM
I would just go buy a new complete filter and not have to worry over it . Simple!! :roll: :wink:

Tue Nov 10, 2009, 07:40 PM
yeh ok for one or two but i have around 40 inserts that need sponge and it starts to add up , plus the less money i spend on filters the more discus i can buy :lol:

cheers andy

Tue Nov 10, 2009, 09:08 PM
Hey Andy,

What is happening to all the sponges?????? they dont wear out, they last for years :shock:


Wed Nov 11, 2009, 08:07 AM
Hey Andy,

What is happening to all the sponges?????? they dont wear out, they last for years :shock:


i got discus plaque a while ago from a discus i got in from lfs and yep cleaned me out big time :evil: ,so anything that i could clean i did but
i didn't want to risk it with the filters ,i could of nuked them in the microwave but thought no so out they went . ... but that's all done now and i am lot more wiser about the way i quarantine my fish .

cheers andy

Wed Nov 11, 2009, 11:02 AM
Hi Clark rubber do sell what they call fish foam. It is the only one they keep that is safe for fish. If they don't have it in stock, they can order it in. Only thing, it is not black (the usual colour of sponge filters) but yellowish)


Mr Wild
Wed Nov 11, 2009, 12:07 PM
I asked about the Clark rubber foam and asked the local fellow to ring the manufacturer to ensure it was safe in the tank with the fish as it is a filter foam meant for sumps and canisters apparently. The manufacturer could not g'tee to the shop fellow or me that it would be safe next to fish themselves,so I did not buy it. But by all means check for yourself and see what your fellow says.

Wed Nov 11, 2009, 12:08 PM
ok cheers i go check it out

Wed Nov 11, 2009, 12:56 PM
I feel that if it is fish safe in the filters, it is also fish safe in the tank itself. After all, most canisters & sumps will pass all the tank water volume through the filter 2-4 times an hour.

I have used it as pre-filter foam over my filter intake (inside the tank itself) for quite some time now, with no ill effects.

By all means check it out further yourself, as you can't be too careful, but I wouldn't even use it in the filter if there was something about it that makes it unsafe to be inside the tank.

Wed Nov 11, 2009, 12:57 PM
I feel that if it is fish safe in the filters, it is also fish safe in the tank itself. After all, most canisters & sumps will pass all the tank water volume through the filter 2-4 times an hour.

I have used it as pre-filter foam over my filter intake (inside the tank itself) for quite some time now, with no ill effects.

By all means check it out further yourself, as you can't be too careful, but I wouldn't even use it in the filter if there was something about it that makes it unsafe to be inside the tank.

Wed Nov 11, 2009, 07:42 PM
thanks tw i will go see about it and do some tests on it

Thu Nov 12, 2009, 03:33 AM
I agree. If its ok in a filter then its ok in the tank too.