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Sat Oct 03, 2009, 03:37 PM
Hello apisto fanatics!

If you could have any apisto, what would it be?

I'm helping to put together an order from South American and would appreciate your input.


Sat Oct 03, 2009, 11:28 PM
A. baenschi

A. sp. "Winkelfleck"

A. borelie (opal)

N. adoketa (OK not an apisto - but close)

A. abacaxis

Sun Oct 04, 2009, 03:28 AM
Baenschi (Inka 50) I would love to make a colony setup in a 3 foot tank.
Apistogramma sp. « Rotpunkt » INCREDIBLE@!!!

Classification :
Famille : Cichlidae
Genre : Apistogramma
Ligne : regani
Groupe : Rotpunkt

Sun Oct 04, 2009, 04:18 AM
Not an Apisto....but a legally importable South American dwarf cichlid

Dicrossus (Crenicara) maculata are brilliant....both sexes would be great!

Sun Oct 11, 2009, 11:43 PM
Ild love some good Dicrossus as well.

I would really love some of dwarf pike cichlids - see this

http://www.geocities.com/NapaValley/5491/art-dwarfpike.html - but unfortunately they are classed as an illegal import as they are Crenicichla genus not Apistogramma - however nothing like their big cousins.


Mon Oct 12, 2009, 02:27 AM
I'll echo the baenschi and Dicrossus calls.

Also some barlowi, elizabethae, "Rio Mamore" and some wild cacatuoides.

Mon Oct 12, 2009, 03:05 AM
hmm, well the A.baenschi is popular - I would love a companion for my lonely female.

A.paucisquamis would be on my very short list

also A.atahualpa / I'll always be interested in more A.bitaeniata and A.trifasciata / A.diplotaenia / A.pertensis jeez, any Apisto I ain't had before is apealling although some can stress you out such as the anticipated arrival of my A.hauscar this week - gotta get the water right

Mon Oct 12, 2009, 05:30 AM
Thanks for all the replies, the species list has been forwarded to Thai contact.

As mentioned in another post:

Good News....for Queenslanders :lol:

Jodi-Lea(fishchick) has just got back from a Thai trip

She has made contact with an American who imports Apisto's direct from South America into Thailand.....also rare corys, tetras etc

ps You Southerners don't have to miss out.....she does ship fish all over Australia!! :wink:

Yes!! This is true. She is currently working out her import & quarantine cost. So as we get closer to a shipment, it may be good idea to carry out group purchases to keep cost as low as possible.

Please keep the suggestions coming ie Apistos, corys, tetras & pencilfish.
It may not come in the next shipment, but at least the exporter in Thailand can keep an eye out for it.

Many thanks

Mon Oct 12, 2009, 08:54 AM
Poecilocharax weitzmani if you can find them. :thumb

Mon Oct 12, 2009, 09:31 AM
Hey guys i work in Jodie's shop and i can vouch for it. She has many apisto's and they never lose their colour. I am also pushing for some baenchi in the next order, however they don't like to send females in the order for obvious reasons, but usually you get a few who sneak through. You will have to form a que though, i'm first in line!! The bigger the shipment however the more chance of females coming in so make sure you show some interest and perhaps even consider a layby???

She has some really nice eunotos at the moment (males and females).

most of them are breeding in tap water by the way...


Mon Oct 12, 2009, 09:36 AM
Tap water - where? There is big differences in what is Tap Water throughout Australia, let alone asia.......

Mon Oct 12, 2009, 10:24 AM
There are lots of soft water fish that will breed in tapwater.....but in my experience lots of apisto's don't have a high hatch rate unless water is soft...... :wink:

Tue Oct 13, 2009, 11:28 AM
She has some really nice eunotos at the moment (males and females).

Hi guys.

New here, so please excuse any (probably lots of) rookie mistakes.

I was in Jodies shop today, and saw the A. eunotos. They look very similar to Apistogramma cf. eunotus (Huanta) (http://apisto.sites.no/fish.aspx?fishIndexID=2486&gruppeID=1). Counted 3 or 4 females amongst the males.

As for the order. Please put me down for a trio of Dicrossus maculatus. Have already pestered Jodie about these, and would happily pay a deposit for them.