View Full Version : For Sale 2 tanks and 2 co2

Tue Sep 22, 2009, 03:32 AM
hi Im selling two tanks for 600 dollards

1 : 4x2x2 with aqua 1200 ,ligths , heaters , and cabinet
2: 5 foot with cabinet divided into four small tanks perfect for breeding

the lot for 600 dollards

also have 2x co2 systems all for 200 dollards
1 has a dupla bottle 2l
the oother one is a sera
pick up only in sydney

if interest please phone 0422693146
please phone for pics

Sat Sep 26, 2009, 09:40 AM
co2 has been sold

Sat Sep 26, 2009, 09:43 AM
hi Im selling two tanks for 600 dollards

1 : 4x2x2 with aqua 1200 ,ligths , heaters , and cabinet
2: 5 foot with cabinet divided into four small tanks perfect for breeding

the lot for 600 dollards

also have 2x co2 systems all for 200 dollards co2 sold
1 has a dupla bottle 2l
the oother one is a sera
pick up only in sydney

if interest please phone 0422693146
please phone for pics

Sat Sep 26, 2009, 09:44 AM
hi Im selling two tanks for 600 dollards

1 : 4x2x2 with aqua 1200 ,ligths , heaters , and cabinet
2: 5 foot with cabinet divided into four small tanks perfect for breeding

the lot for 400 dollards now but only pick up

also have 2x co2 systems all for 200 dollards co2 sold
1 has a dupla bottle 2l
the oother one is a sera
pick up only in sydney

if interest please phone 0422693146
please phone for pics