View Full Version : Dwarf Cichlid Photos

Mon Sep 21, 2009, 05:02 AM
In light of Mattzilla's guessing game giveaway thread I thought it might be a good idea for everyone to post some photos of their dwarf cichlids and we'll make a bit of a competition out of it.
After about a week, we'll have a vote on who's photo is the best and the winner will get an Express Post satchel with as many Indian Almond Leaves as I can fit in.

The photo doesn't have to be a recent pic, but it does have to be of a fish that you have had or currently have in your possession.

2 photo's allowed per member. Entries open until Friday 25th 11:03pm.

Let's see some pics everyone! 8-)

Mon Sep 21, 2009, 12:53 PM
to get the ball rolling, some rams i used to own:



Mon Sep 21, 2009, 02:04 PM
Nice one momo. Nice fat ram!

Mon Sep 21, 2009, 07:52 PM
apistogramma agassizi double red and hongsloi

Tue Sep 22, 2009, 01:58 AM
good work robdog!

if only i had some dwarf cichlids!!!!

Tue Sep 22, 2009, 03:05 AM
Blue ram


Borelli "opal" juvenile


Tue Sep 22, 2009, 08:03 AM
great shots people! so clear and the colours just pop!

Tue Sep 22, 2009, 11:00 AM
Very generous Rob !

My turn :lol:

Male A.Bitaeniata

Male Pelvicachromis Taeniatus Nigeria Red

Tue Sep 22, 2009, 11:38 AM
and here are mine...

Tue Sep 22, 2009, 12:29 PM
very nice photos guys, unfortunately i dont have any dwarf cichlids, just everyday run of the mill african malawi cichlids.

Tue Sep 22, 2009, 12:46 PM
Thought I'd add some of mine even though I can't send the Almond leaves to myself.
Old photos but 2 of the best fish I've ever had.

Tue Sep 22, 2009, 02:06 PM
JLuna gets my vote with his glorious apisto and Hong. Truly beautiful specimens!

Tue Sep 22, 2009, 10:59 PM
Hi Rob,

what abeautiful pic. is it Panduro or Nijsenni? amazing pink eggs, mine laid white eggs.

Wed Sep 23, 2009, 06:05 AM
I like the blue one. what is it called ? where can I get them in Sydney ?

Wed Sep 23, 2009, 06:43 AM
that's the new blue morph of the german ram. personally, i don't think you can go past the original on rams...

great pics peeps! love the female guarding those red eggs.

Wed Sep 23, 2009, 11:47 AM
Hi Rob,

what abeautiful pic. is it Panduro or Nijsenni? amazing pink eggs, mine laid white eggs.

She was a fiesty little panduro mate.

Some really good photos popping up. Love your little Pelvicachromis TW.

Keep em coming!

Fri Sep 25, 2009, 03:02 AM
Only 10 hours left!

Even if you don't want any Almond Leaves, let's see some dwarf action!

Fri Sep 25, 2009, 03:10 PM
FWIW - for what its worth

Triple male crossed with my double red female - my latest spawn.

Fri Sep 25, 2009, 03:18 PM
One of my A.trifasciata males

Fri Sep 25, 2009, 03:19 PM
One of my A.trifasciata males

Fri Sep 25, 2009, 03:30 PM
My A.bitaeniata male - courting at present with miss bitaeniata

Fri Sep 25, 2009, 03:35 PM
Apoligies for the background - times R tough

Fri Sep 25, 2009, 03:42 PM
One of my A.borelli (opal) males

Sat Sep 26, 2009, 08:49 AM
I have a feeling that some of those pics were added after the 11:03pm cut off Hassles. :? :lol:

Nice to see some of your collection though. :wink:

Thu Oct 01, 2009, 06:10 AM
I have a feeling that some of those pics were added after the 11:03pm cut off Hassles. :? :lol:

Nice to see some of your collection though. :wink:

yes, they were added much later. Just showin' how I'm at with the new camera - Lumix G1

I shall "try" to gather some snaps of the jurensis


Thu Oct 01, 2009, 10:55 AM
Nice one mate.
I think everyone should keep chucking up any dwarf photos they have and we can have a whole apisto eye candy thread.

Thu Oct 01, 2009, 02:04 PM
the g1 is a great camera hassles... i'm still lusting after one myself

Sat Oct 17, 2009, 07:51 AM

Sat Oct 17, 2009, 07:51 AM
Still coming to terms with the digital but ... the Apistogramma cacatuoides 'orange-flash' male approx 50mm TL

Sun Oct 18, 2009, 12:43 AM
Great pic of soon-to-be my OF hassles, but I liked the one you emailed me better to be honest. I should get a camera cracking soon and put a nice pic of my trifasciata up (brother of hassles trif). A few days left yet and I'll enjoy sharing even if it doesn't win, hahaha just to show off!

I will hopefully be here a little more regularly after we move house sorry for the absence guys (cause I know u all missed me :P)


Mon Oct 19, 2009, 09:35 AM
On the topic of Orange Flash's

Mon Oct 19, 2009, 09:53 AM
Robdog: niiiiiiiiiice fish!

Mon Oct 19, 2009, 10:03 AM
Robdog: niiiiiiiiiice fish!

Unfortunately this fish is in the past tense. :cry:

Not actually sure what happened to him. I bred from him once but can't remember what was his ultimate demise. Probably eaten by my ghost knife in the still of night :roll:

Mon Oct 19, 2009, 10:43 AM
Bummer. I still haven't pulled a decent camera out and taken pics yet... I should do it soon!

Wed Oct 21, 2009, 07:28 AM
and another flash - a bit washed out - that's direct sunlight he's in! the changing season has brought with it about a month where the sun moves right across the 6-footer over the course of an hour or so. the fish are a bit perplexed by it, stay out of it mostly. plus a ram in same light.

Wed Oct 21, 2009, 12:18 PM
Beautiful trailers off the tail jluna!

Interesting note: All three OF's pictured here all have quite different body shapes. :?

Thu Oct 22, 2009, 03:20 AM
As promised - pictures of my trifasciata (bought in under 'maciliensis'). He is a brother of Hassles' trifasciata pictured earlier in this thread. Apologies about the bad quality. I had an hour to work out my father-in-laws camera, take the shots, get the images onto the computer and return it to him...

Thu Oct 22, 2009, 04:07 AM
As promised - pictures of my trifasciata (bought in under 'maciliensis'). He is a brother of Hassles' trifasciata pictured earlier in this thread. Apologies about the bad quality. I had an hour to work out my father-in-laws camera, take the shots, get the images onto the computer and return it to him...

OK Kristina, I consider your fish significantly pretty enough to warrant mating. I shall gender my trifasciata and see what our options are in this regard.

Thu Oct 22, 2009, 05:16 AM
Lol hahahahahahaha you can't just take my word on it can u?!! You had to wait to see some images. Well I suppose I would do the same. Agreed finally then that he is worth going to the extra hassles of pairing him up?? Hahahahaha, you crack me up sometimes hassles, you really do! The funniest thing is you don't mean to do it! They were the sharper images that showed anything of interest. I had some gorgeous images that were either a bit blurred from him darting so fast or it was nice and sharp but it was a bad angle and you barely saw anything of him. I will let you know when I have put them all on my personal site and you can sift through them there.

Thu Oct 22, 2009, 07:55 AM
Hey Kristina

i've got a pair of the orange flash from the same batch hassles is holding for you. they are really nice!

Thu Oct 22, 2009, 08:34 AM
Im always surprised in the different variations.

Heres my male Trifasciata




Thu Oct 22, 2009, 09:19 AM
Woot woot that's good to hear! Do you have any pics of your pair Boydvd? Hassles only sent me one image other than the one here and they don't show as much as I want to see... Hahaha I don't think any image will!

Thu Oct 22, 2009, 09:26 AM
Oh hey Ado - nice trif you have there! I like the shade of red he shows along his dorsal. Was it always like that or did it get darker with age? The orange on mine started out as a faint yellow patch only at the rear of the dorsal. I'm hoping it darkens much more as he is still fairly young.

Thu Oct 22, 2009, 10:50 AM
Mine is fairly young also. It has gotten redder but that may be due to good husbandry rather than age. ;)

I love the size of his fins. He looks fantastic when he is showing off.

Thu Oct 22, 2009, 11:02 AM
Admittedly yours has impressive finnage. I doubt either one of us could prove which of our fish has 'better husbandry' but I can most definitely admire wonderful qualities that yours has and wonderful qualities that mine has.

Thu Oct 22, 2009, 11:43 AM
I didnt mean that to sound like i was claiming my fish were better looked after than yours, just meant that i believe mine has coloured up the way he has because he is well looked after.

Any idea how long it takes until they can be sexed?


Thu Oct 22, 2009, 12:25 PM
Not having bred them before myself, I will take a wild stab in the dark and say about the same time they reach sexual maturity... Around 6months.

Thu Oct 22, 2009, 12:40 PM
Some of boydvd's Apistos

Thu Oct 22, 2009, 01:06 PM
It's midnight hassles. I was so excited to see boydvds fish and much to my displeasure... No OF cac. The other fish were gorgeous!!! Unhappy me goin to catch some zzzzzzzzzzz...

Thu Oct 22, 2009, 11:05 PM
hi kristina

i'm at home sick today... i'll try to take some pics of the OF for u later... resting now zzzz

Fri Oct 23, 2009, 01:50 AM
here's my OF cacatuoides

Fri Oct 23, 2009, 01:51 AM
and one more..

Fri Oct 23, 2009, 03:17 AM
Sweeeeeeeeet OF cac!! Does yours look much like mine, or did you get first pick of the bunch? Hehehe. Thankyou so so much boydvd I have been hanging out to see them. Really pretty looking fish. Does yours show any purples/blues or are they fairly grey bodied with the orange fins?

Fri Oct 23, 2009, 04:25 AM
hi Kristina,

my pleasure. your four were the pick of the bunch. i collected mine in the evening after hassles got yours. Even scared the orange colour was striking. no purple hues but a bit of blue sparkle around the face. they are still babies so there's lots of growing for them to do. they also like hanging at the front of the tank

Fri Oct 23, 2009, 04:56 AM
Hassles got mine first? Oh man oh man he is sooo good to me. Above and beyond being polite, he is so damn generous! I'm so jealous boydvd that you live close to him. I can't wait to settle in at the new house and put the cacs in a tank. As it stands I really only have enough space for 1 pair... So I can forsee a new tank in the near future. That is unless I move my trifasciata in with my discus and rams but I don't really think that's wise. The only other option is to put them in our new 6ft but I can't see hubby letting me do that.

Fri Oct 23, 2009, 06:49 AM
Sweeeeeeeeet OF cac!! Does yours look much like mine, or did you get first pick of the bunch? Hehehe. Thankyou so so much boydvd I have been hanging out to see them. Really pretty looking fish. Does yours show any purples/blues or are they fairly grey bodied with the orange fins?

I got pick of the bunch but they are all the same ;-)

Fri Oct 23, 2009, 08:34 AM
It's nice to think you have the pick of the lot but I'm glad that all 3 pairs are attractive for boydvds sake :P

Wed Oct 28, 2009, 12:07 PM
A quick snap of my recently acquired and somewhat reclusive A.huascar male. He really is a pretty boy. When he flares his finnage is most impressive and quite significant. This image below shows the beginnings of his colouration. If I manage to breed these it will be the pinnicle of my involvement with Apistogramma.

Sat Nov 07, 2009, 12:40 PM
Well my photos are way to late for any competition. But that's alright, as I have no photography skills to speak of. I only keep some of the old simple dwarves, but they're ones I like. Now if some one had some gymnogeophagus ex. meridionalis sp. norte, well I'd be keeping some not so average SA cichlids.

Male Laetacara dorsigera.

My pair.

Juvenile growouts

My old pair of Laetacara curviceps.

Couple of new young adults in quarentine.

Male agassizii

A few months ago in quarentine.

Tue Nov 17, 2009, 08:15 PM
Well its mid November and I have finally decided to keep, & hopefully breed, A.agassizii. I have always considered these a nice Apisto but I wanted something a little different. I have opted for the Fire-Red varient currently available through Bayfish along with Red-Tail which was also very attractive and about half the price.

Tue Nov 17, 2009, 08:44 PM
It's nice to think you have the pick of the lot but I'm glad that all 3 pairs are attractive for boydvds sake :P

Ain't it time you updated your signature AND uploaded some images ? ? ? heh heh heh sorry if I am teasing you ;-)

Wed Nov 18, 2009, 02:05 AM
You... tease Me!?!?!! NEVER! (insert sarcasm)

yeah yeah alright I'll change my signature but don't expect pics too soon it's a pain in the butt to do. You can talk you slacker, I waited for months to see any picture of any fish you had. I've had my cacs for less than a week and your already givin me crap! Arrrrgh ok fine I'll try to upload some soon.[/b]

Wed Nov 18, 2009, 03:00 AM
Here Ya Go! My OF cac male. There is some inconsistency in the orange colour throughout his caudal fin which makes it appear as though his caudal were split - but this is not the case. He has impressive extensions from all fins and is generally very well formed. No problems so far except that he is very picky with his food *glares jokingly at Hassles* (what on earth have you been spoiling him with?!). Needless to say, female is small and yellow :P nothing too impressive but she is starting to show some nice orange throughout her dorsal and caudal fins, just not enough to capture on my measly phone camera.

Wed Nov 18, 2009, 04:03 AM
These were the apistos I had in Perth... :cry:
















http://i15.photobucket.com/albums/a378/Noddy65/th_MOV04031.jpg (http://s15.photobucket.com/albums/a378/Noddy65/?action=view&current=MOV04031.flv)



Wed Nov 18, 2009, 07:26 AM

here is a barely adequate image of my A.hippolytae female. These fish are in a blackwater environment and its pretty difficult focusing.

Wed Nov 18, 2009, 11:03 AM
Wow Hassles, crap conditions for photography... But seeing as I'm not too interested in the picture quality you'll be pleased to know that I find that a fairly attractive fish. Thnkyou so kindly for going to the trouble of taking a picture, it's amazing what we can accomplish with a little push. Haa haa ha. Honestly... can't wait to see the male, the female is very pretty :)

Sat Dec 19, 2009, 04:57 AM
Hello Kristina, perhaps you'll find this more to your liking :?: These are pretty reclusive but one has become much less concerned about my presence and will often prance at the glass looking for a feed hence the photographic opportunity exploited here :wink:

I am also pretty sure my female orange-flash cacatuoides is guarding eggs again.

Sat Dec 19, 2009, 08:43 AM
Stunning Hassles! Again thankyou for posting them, it's so nice to enjoy other peoples fishes and not have to take care of pricks like those myself :P hahaha. It's like when a friend has a baby... You have a look, maybe even cuddle but as soon as bubs needs something you give it back with a smile thanks again. Keep them coming. I want to see your double/triple red cacs sometime soon.

Sat Dec 19, 2009, 09:22 AM
Mike, kristina & hassles - thanks for sharing your apistos.

Mike, I bet you're kicking yourself you didn't bring those beauties to Sydney with you

Tue Dec 22, 2009, 08:29 AM
OK had QLDAF resident photographer visit today and take a couple pics.

agassizii male

agassizii female


nijsseni male...didn't photograph female

Sun Jan 31, 2010, 11:04 AM
Some pics of my 'elderly' A. baenschi. For the record they are two years old and still spawning!

Sat Mar 13, 2010, 11:40 AM
This image shows, non too clearly, my decidely reclusive A.abacaxis male. The proud father of two spawns to two females.

Sat Mar 13, 2010, 11:57 AM
My decidely reclusive A.abacaxis male - father of two spawns / one to each of the two females.

Sat Mar 13, 2010, 03:23 PM
These are a beautiful series of photos and some intruiging fish. Do they mix well in a Discus display tank and do they get overly territorial when they spawn?
I think they'd make a fascinating addition to a large display tank I'm planning if they mix.

Sat Mar 13, 2010, 11:38 PM
Swampy: the short answer is Yes, discus and Apistogramma do mix. They require almost identical water parameters and with the exception of a few Apistogramma you shouldn't have any problems. You can only have one male apisto in a tank and with numerous species you can keep multiple females depending on the size of the tank. They are territorial when spawning but my experience is that they only threaten to keep away, they don't do any damage. Vice versa when the discus spawn. My apistos and discus are very friendly towards eachother and I've never run into problems.

Yet again Hassles - very good looking fish. Congrats on all your spawns and condolances for the lack of bench space left at your place!

Sun Mar 14, 2010, 12:26 AM
Thanks Kristina. Looks like I've got more options for now for the new thank.

Sun Mar 14, 2010, 09:52 AM
Swampy: the short answer is Yes, discus and Apistogramma do mix.

Alas I think you may have forgotten the long answer. :wink:

Whilst discus and apistos share a lot of the same water params, temperature is the one that is a little bit different.
Discus are more at home in tanks with higher temps, up to around 30C, whereas apistos are more comfortable in temps around 25-26C. They will put up with the high temps but it can shorten their life spans and puts them under stress that they can probably do without.

Sun Mar 14, 2010, 10:21 AM
Temperature is more important with discus when breeding. Discus will quite easily tolerate the slightly lower temp which is much safer than making the apistos 'tolerate' the higher - which can do harm as you say Robdog.

Apistos are all different and although they share many very similar qualities there are some which are easier to keep and much more tolerant of different water params - such as the cacatuoides.

Sun Mar 14, 2010, 01:02 PM
Thanks guys. I take from that if I run the display at say 28'C both strains should be ok?

Sun Mar 14, 2010, 02:23 PM
For my few pence worth, I feel that your comments Kristina could be mis-read by people new to discus. Of course you can keep discus at lower temps, but like Robdog said, you are risking them if you do. Discus with longer sustained lower temps (lower than 28) will start to fall sick. They prefer 28-31 degrees to be kept healthy.

Mix at lower temps at your own risk, for me, my discus are ones that come first, and will never be compromised by another species.


Sun Mar 14, 2010, 10:15 PM
Out of curiousity - what tank mates do you think are suitable for discus Hollowman? Taking into account the high temps and water params? I can't think of any that match perfectly... In fact I can't think of any dithers that would suit. So do discus live on their own? Do they occupy their habitat in the wild with no other living creatures? Do the water parameters including temperature vary in the wild? I'm not trying to be rude or nasty so please don't misread what I'm saying. I understand that what I said may give the wrong impression to someone new if taken the wrong way. My point is that fish will tolerate slight differances so long as it is still in their normal limit.

Sun Mar 14, 2010, 11:21 PM
I dont think this is the correct place to discuss this topic. I hope the team can move it to an appropriate place.

My point, which you picked up on was about discus. It has been well established that keeping discus at lower temperatures will induce poor health,stress, lowering of their metabolism leading to suseptability to attack from parasites and bacterial comtamination. I have seen it before so many times.
I am not an advocate of mixing a huge number of speices in a tank, but that is my prerogative. For me, as I said in my last post as you remember, keep discus as my fish of choice and any other fish I keep will have to be kept at discus parameters.
Why don't you look in the tankmates section if you need ideas on fish to keep with discus. I say that because it is 'fish to keep with discus' not discus to keep with other fish.

For what it's worth, I also keep wild Scalres and Cory Sterbai.


Sat Apr 03, 2010, 02:28 AM
Even though the comp is over, here is my all time fav dwarf cichlid;



Sat Apr 03, 2010, 09:05 AM
Sexy. Love that red on the dorsals and her rosy belly in the background. They would be great breeding stock

Sat Apr 03, 2010, 10:32 PM
my new pandurini female - day one in my tank, already the clear boss of everyone.

Sun Apr 04, 2010, 02:45 AM
Gorgeous female!! She looks quite small still... Bet you can't wait for her to grow a bit and maybe breed for you!

Mon Apr 05, 2010, 10:58 AM
and speaking of small - my new baenschi fry, courtesy of another member here. i've got five of them, letting them grow out to get a pair. about 2cm long, already showing full courtship and territorial behaviour. i'm so in love. they're in with 20 chilli rasboras, here's their tank too.

Mon Apr 05, 2010, 12:30 PM
Great looking fish.. love your red lotus :)

Tue Apr 06, 2010, 02:49 AM
wow, jluna! gotta hand it to you, you've done a great job with that tank. Oh man it looks packed out with the tiger lotus and that other plant. I can't for the life of me remember the name of it, and I would have initially picked it as a fern (not having the greenest of fingers) but it creeps and an Aussie native yeah? Another member here sent me some and it looks great in the tank. Looks like you got a bit of moss in there too... very good job. very attractive. Oh yeah... fish look great too!! :P silly me, all wrapped up in the tank and almost forgot about the fish.

Tue Apr 06, 2010, 11:29 AM
hi folks, thanks for the comments.

kristina, the green plant is just a common sword (echinodorus), not a native - they were all originally pups in the 6 footer, planted them in there and let them grow in the ada soil. love that stuff.

Wed Apr 07, 2010, 12:48 AM
Well I guess it's a good thing I don't proclaim to be knowledgable with plants! They look great! Yeah I have 2 tanks with aquasoil. Great stuff. I have a 4ft planted with Eco complete and it's good but I'm having huge troubles with the pH in that tank and the only thing I can boil it down to is the substrate. The tanks with aquasoil are kept below 6 without trying.

Mon Apr 12, 2010, 04:04 AM
Finally got a half reasonable pic of my bitaeniata on my phone camera. I seriously gotta find myself a good camera!!!

Mon Apr 12, 2010, 04:41 AM
and seeing as I haven't put an updated pic of my cac trio... this is the trio shortly after the original female died and I replaced her with 2 females in the 6ft. The images taken were in the first 5 mins of the females entering the tank, and the other just recently the female (on the left of first pic) guarding fry (somewhere amongst the gravel).

Sun Apr 18, 2010, 01:23 AM
so here are some pics of my bitaeniata male (courtesy of aquaristic) and female (courtesy of fishchick).

Sun Apr 18, 2010, 01:25 AM
and one of my young male baenschi and a female cac :D

Tue Apr 27, 2010, 12:14 PM
Here is an image of my ever so seldomly seen, decidely reclusive and hermit-like Apistogramma hippolytae female. If I see her once a month its a bloody miracle. Personally I consider her to be an extremely handsome specimen. I hope you enjoy the image

Tue Apr 27, 2010, 12:28 PM
An image of a male A.trifasciata (one of my strains) flashing a rival male.

Wed Apr 28, 2010, 01:41 PM
Gee Hassles, the pictures definitely don't dissapoint! The trifasciata looks real nice I have to say and although I think the hippolytae is handsome it's just not my cuppa tea. Off memory this isn't the first pic I've seen of her... and if I'm right (which often I'm not but I still try) she is looking better. Life down in Melbourne water must be treating her ok!

Wed Apr 28, 2010, 03:32 PM
Gee Hassles, the pictures definitely don't dissapoint! The trifasciata looks real nice I have to say and although I think the hippolytae is handsome it's just not my cuppa tea. Off memory this isn't the first pic I've seen of her... and if I'm right (which often I'm not but I still try) she is looking better. Life down in Melbourne water must be treating her ok!

G'day Kristina

I understand entirely about your sentiment pertaining to the hippolytae and for such sentiment you shall never be criticised. They're not the most colourful. There are however a few of we Apisto keepers who see beauty in any Apistogramma, those of us who see the female as attractive as the usually more coloured male, who appreciate other aspects of a fishes characteristics. I received more reward breeding my A.huascar than my gorgeous A.trifasciata. We all seek something different. As an Apisto breeder yourself I am sure you will undertstand. Your Apisto wish-list differs from mine but....let me know what you breed 'coz I will probably want some heh heh heh.

Yeah, I see the pair interacting and they're beautiful. Sometimes I think you just gotta' have 'em in the tank to truly appreciate them. I doubt you'd be less impressed than I if they bred for you. Hey, I shouldn't be speaking to you - you bred bitaeniata before I did :cry:

take care :wink:

Thu Apr 29, 2010, 07:21 AM
Your right, I did breed my bitaeniata before you :twisted: and I'm gunna enjoy making sure u remember it (i'm not going to be able to beat you to any other species... You've pretty much bred them all).

I know what you mean about having to have them in the tank to appreciate them properly. I feel the same way about each individual fish.

Thu Apr 29, 2010, 08:33 PM
the bronzy brown on that female hippolytae is beautiful - i bet she's amazing in breeding colours. the trifasciata are great too - lovely looking fish. congrats.

Sat May 01, 2010, 08:29 AM
took a good photo of my a.bitaeniata male

Sat May 01, 2010, 11:01 AM
took a good photo of my a.bitaeniata male

Good photo? what an understatement - thats an excellent photo, truly excellent, well done and pat yourself on the back :D

I have recently (this past week) introduced my female and male bitaeniata so my fingers are crossed that all will be well. Just gotta stay on step ahead of Kristina or she may ruin my reputation heh heh heh :lol:

The thing thats hard to catch on the hippolytae is the fine red band across the tips of the dorsal fin. Being a blackwater specie their natural enviromment isn't overly conducive to image capture.

yeah, wonderful image, absolutely wonderful

Sat May 01, 2010, 12:35 PM
A couple of quick snaps of the A.masken - the male and his off-spring. The juveniles emerged March 26th and measure approximately 8mm in total length (TL).

Sat May 01, 2010, 12:41 PM
JLuna - bloody tops pic! You can come over with your photography skills ANY day of the week! Just amazing photo, that's one to put up on the wall in the fish room :D congratulations on an amazing picture of an equally amazing fish... (an apisto of course - and one of my favs)

hassles - ruin your reputation?? I might be a little good, but Im more lucky than anything else. You really are good, as well as having luck on your side. I am no threat, but don't you forget I bred bitaeniata before you - and you've had plenty more time and opportunity than I have!

Wed May 12, 2010, 12:07 PM
A couple of quick snaps of my male A.nijsseni and A.baenschi. The baenschi is a proud and dutiful dad so I hope the nijsseni will soon follow suit :wink:

Mon Jun 07, 2010, 11:36 AM
they were nice enough to sit still a while in front of a mirror - how could you not love apistos!

Mon Jun 07, 2010, 08:44 PM
i hear you!

Great shots

Tue Jun 08, 2010, 11:53 AM
one more - female bitaeniata (the male approaching...)

Fri Jun 11, 2010, 03:39 AM

What type of shrimp is that? It looks great!

Do you breed them yourself?


Wed Jul 28, 2010, 08:53 AM
A quick snap of my male (German bred) Apistogramma alacrina, who along with his equally beautiful lady, is quietly settling in to their new surroundings. This pair have produced 14 surviving, now quickly growing, juveniles. I have since established a colony of wild-caught alacrina and the appearance of these are markedly different. Two females currently breeding.