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View Full Version : Nice find this morning

Tue Feb 08, 2005, 06:44 AM
I've got 6 discus in Quar atm - 4 weeks is up on Thursday.

This morning when I went to feed them I found a nice surprise :) see pics below.

Very surprising since they are quite small (only about 3.5" - 4"). Didn't even know they were a pair...

One of the fish is as you can see in the pics, the other had rounded the other 4 fish into the corner, so I moved them into another tank.

Now I have to decide on where to put who, as I've got 3 pairs arriving on Thursday......

Anything special I should be doing to increase chances of hatching / survival ??



Tue Feb 08, 2005, 07:03 AM
Well done Dave! It's always exciting when your fish reward all your hard work with a surprise spawning. Just be careful with things like tank conditions. Still continue to do water changes but be sure the water is properly aged and the same temperature. A lot of pairs are not interested in food at this stage, so remove any uneaten food after a couple of hours. Once the fry are free swimming, good quality protein food is important for the parents. BTW, I never feed live brine shrimp to the parents while they have tiny fry on their backs. Don't want to risk a case of mistaken identity :wink:

Tue Feb 08, 2005, 07:47 AM
Very nice Dave, the eggs are such a nice orange colour too :)

Thu Feb 10, 2005, 07:38 AM
36 hours later and I now have 9 wrigglers, with another 6 or 7 to come by the look of it :)

The wrigglers are the darker spots on the pipe.



Thu Feb 10, 2005, 10:06 AM
Yaaaay congratulations on your very first spawn.

Thu Feb 10, 2005, 11:10 AM
Thanks Merrilyn

I'm really happy about it - also good practice as I just received three adult pairs today as well....



Wed Feb 16, 2005, 08:33 AM

Congrads, should have heaps of discus in Perth soon :wink:


Wed Feb 16, 2005, 09:09 AM
Hi Marvin

Unfortunately they ate the wrigglers :(

Have had three other pairs spawn in the last week with no joy yet (one pair ate the eggs, one pair didn't fertilise, and the third are looking ok so far - except it is in the community tank)

The more discus the better I think :D



Wed Feb 16, 2005, 09:47 AM
Every spawn is one step closer to being better parents, think of it as a positive.. :wink: