View Full Version : 4ft display tank in brissy enjoy

Sat Aug 15, 2009, 10:09 AM
Hey all thought i should post a few pics up for some viewing. any suggestions on how to get rid of this god damn brown algae would be sweet!!!

Thanks Justin






Sat Aug 15, 2009, 01:01 PM
Justin, I cannot help with the algae, but as an observation, the discus look a bit skinny to me, i think they need some beefing up a bit. What are you feeding ?

Sat Aug 15, 2009, 01:06 PM
upping your CO2 would help also bristlenoses will eat it (and probably damage your plants).

unfortunately i have to agree with Steve your pearl pigion and red white do look a little skinny, some extra feedings wouldn't go astray, try and feed in 1 area away from the plants so as waste and left over food is easier to remove.

Sun Aug 16, 2009, 08:53 AM
Normally feed twice daily sera vegi flakes and sera discus granuels also frozen brine shrimp and blood worms I used to feed frozen once daily but ended up with my phosphat level over 5 so I stopped feeding it so regularly

Sun Aug 16, 2009, 09:49 AM
I think they need some beef heart to bulk them up a bit, chopped mussels are also good for this too, whatever, they need a good and regular feeding regime. Maybe more water changes will keep the phosphates down.

Sun Aug 16, 2009, 12:03 PM
Justin tank looks great especially your plants. The olde magnetic glass cleaner is the only thing I can suggest for your algae. I'm sure you know that already...;)
I agree with Steve and Jothy. Your discus are on the skinny side so feed them more meat. Vegi flakes and discus bits are like feeding ur kids chips and chocolate. It's really no good for them unless mixed with a balanced diet.

Tue Aug 18, 2009, 01:24 AM
can you buy beef heart mixs anywhere like from a shop?? would you consider blood worms and brine shrimp acceptable??

Tue Aug 18, 2009, 03:20 AM
Yes, you can buy frozen beef heart mix from LFS, or you can try making your own. There are some good recipes here on the forum. It's messy to make & seems to cost a bit for the initial outlay for the ingredients, but in the long run it works out a lot cheaper then fish food from LFS. In my opinion, it's worth the effort. As to buying the beef heart itself, it can be hard to find. Most butchers, if they want to, can order it in specially for you. I do feed spirulina brine shrimp daily, but more so they have roughage to keep them regular. It won't provide the goodness that beef heart will. Blood worms are more a weekly treat, but my fish do love them.

Tue Aug 18, 2009, 06:30 AM
There are frozen fish foods called 'Discus Dinner' which is a mix of beefheart and bloodworms. Blood worms will always help but certainly Brime Shrimp will encourage growth and help to fatten them up.

Sun Aug 23, 2009, 11:10 AM
water changes made easy


Sun Aug 23, 2009, 11:12 AM






Mon Aug 24, 2009, 12:28 AM
Brown algae can be due to excessive silicates. There are resins (like Seachem PhosGuard) which will remove silicates, you could try that. As you tank stabalised over time brown algae should disappear - it's generally considered a "new tank" algae (of course then the green stuff arrives...)
