View Full Version : Angelfish scales peeling off

Fri Jul 31, 2009, 08:31 AM
Hi again
You may/may not have seen my previous post about my sick angelfish (regarding the hole in the head). I have transferred them into a 2ft tank where I medicated them with Aquarium Science Multi Purpose Medication.

Today I found one of them dead - he had pretty bad fin rot, and i noticed that his "skin"/scales had sort of peeled off - dont know whether the scales were burnt off or it was from a fight.

I also noticed that me female who had just started breeding now also has pretty bad fin rot, as well as this "burn/scar/peel" on its side of its body.

Anyone know what is happening? I definately did not overdose on the medication (put it in to aid with finrot/what ever disease it had), tank is filtered with an internal filter (has beneficial bacteria already from another tank).

What would you recommend?


Fri Jul 31, 2009, 12:17 PM
Checked the ammonia, it was 3!!!
Really annoyed, thought the filter would have enough bacteria, been in another tank now for a couple of months!!
It was some cheapo internal with a course sponge inside - maybe it wasnt very efficient?
So I decided to put all the remaining angels back into the main tank - conditions were better there.
The fish with really bad fin rot/burn was placed in a net in the main tank - hopefully it will recover, but its fins are literally falling off...

Really lost as to what to do - what should I do??
Please help!

Sat Aug 01, 2009, 08:19 AM
not much you can do now, keep up good water quality, add salt to maintain the slime coat, maybe try melafix to aid in healing.

Sat Aug 01, 2009, 10:17 AM
Thanks but she died this morning