View Full Version : Checkerboard Pigeon from Forrest.

Tue Jul 28, 2009, 07:03 AM
heres a checkerboard pigeon I got from Forrest! this is my fastest growing fish. got him in at 3.5 inches...now hes about 5.5-6 inches, growing rapidly. hope you guys like it!


Tue Jul 28, 2009, 07:34 AM
Very nice. Thanks for sharing. Are you in Aus?

Tue Jul 28, 2009, 09:22 AM
Robyn from memory he's in the states.

Nice fish Cooldaddy. I also find the Pigeon blood strains to grow incredibily fast in comparison to others in the right conditions.

Tue Jul 28, 2009, 05:20 PM
Jason, it is a lovely fish for sure. I had a fish very similar a while back.
My only problem is with the name. It isn't what I would call a Checkerboard. More like a plain old PB. (not a plain fish though, it is very nice)
Take a look here at the checkerboards,


For me, the base colour should be very strong, with solid individual areas of white/blue. Your fish has large areas of white/blue and not much orange, so for me it is more like a silver pigeon, or described as a PB.

I guess this is the name it was sold under, but this is my observation.

Steve :wink:

Fri Jul 31, 2009, 11:44 PM
hey Steve my friend. I will comment about the name. When I first got this fish it had a super checkerboard pattern, almost like a spider web, since it has matured its pattern has spread out and diminished, also the colors haver lightened up from more red to orange. so IMO this is definatly a checkerboard pigeon... but as its maturing, its starting to look like a different strain...so I definatly see what you mean Steve...definatly a white base color but if you check back on some old pics, you can see it as a juv. very cool pattern. when I inquired about this fish I asked for "spider-web" pattern, and thats what I got ;)

thanks for the comments you guys, yes Im in the states. fish from Kenny Cheung out of California, they come from Forrest out of Malysia.

thanks again everyone!
