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View Full Version : 1. International Angelfish & Discus Championships in Cze

Heiko Bleher
Tue Jun 30, 2009, 04:40 PM
Hi Guys,

this is Heiko Bleher and I wanted to let you all know, that I am cooperation to get the
1. International Angelfish Championships together with the 4th Czech Discus championships and the 1st Labyrinth Championship, off the grtound.

It will take place in the beautiful Ceska Lipa, a small old town near Prague, in the Czech Republic, from September 3-6.

The forms to participate and/or register, information about this unique championship and the the nice (cheap) Hotels (including breakfast less than US$ 50) is up on our www.aquapress-bleher.com website under:

No one of you all should miss this event. There will also be great lectures & seminars, also on P. altum (what is the real one...) and Discus expeditions. Flights now as cheap as never before. Take advantage of the crisis and enjoy a fantastic sightseeing trip and unique event in September.

Let me know if you have any question open...


Heiko Bleher