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View Full Version : Bronze Corydoras, Spawning???

Fri Jun 12, 2009, 06:49 AM
Hi All,

Got home today and noticed a number of clumps of spawn on the glass near the waterline. It is fairly widespread, front, back and the end away from the spray bar. Is this normal cory spawning pattern?

I am discounting the discus, I have seen discus spawn before and does not resemble that. I have discounted the tetras. I don't believe it is the micro-geophagus altispinosis (they are looking after their latest batch of fry). Process of elimination leaves me with the corys or the otocinclus and I think the otos are too small (and unlikely to breed in the aquarium??), for the amount of spawn patches I have.

I took some pics but don't have the cable needed to download to the computer :oops:



Fri Jun 12, 2009, 09:29 AM
When my peppered cats breed it is always low down.

Fri Jun 12, 2009, 09:48 AM
Thanks Brad,

Just googled Bronze corys and what I have here seems to be fairly classic Bronze cory spawning. Pics are very similar. Perhaps I should have googled before asking the question.

Nice to share though.



Wed Aug 12, 2009, 04:52 AM
Just an update. I now have a very nice, healthy 8 week old bronze cory. I am a bit surprised he made it. I cleaned the filter a couple of weeks after the spawn and noticed a couple of fry in the filter box. I think he may be one of those.

I had another spawn about two weeks ago while I was in Victoria and South Australia and have just re-scaped the tank so I though I had best clean the filter again. I fished out about 20 fry and put them back in the aquarium. Sadly I think most of them became fish dinners :oops: .

Note to self: next time you have cory spawn do not clean the filter for at least four weeks.

