View Full Version : Flukes again need advice

Thu Apr 23, 2009, 10:47 PM
I treated all my discus for flukes about 2 months back moved whole 6 of them to a hospital tank and did a 4 treatment cycle after this they seemed heathly so moved them back to main tank and they have been in there for about a month now and im not sure if its signs of flukes they are all acting normal and eating alot except for 3 of them have one gill clamped breathing from the other gill.

Does anyone think i should do a more extreme treatment in a 30 litre bucket of 10mg?Litre or would the flukes maybe in my main display tank?


Tue May 05, 2009, 08:22 PM
Hi Jono,
What did you use to treat them last time and for how long, and what strenght etc.
Please inform me and maybe I am able to help out.
I may be far away, but really its only seconds on the net.

Sat May 09, 2009, 09:00 AM
I used the treatment listed in the sticky i did 4 treatments 4 days appart.

For some weird reason all are fine but the red melon which eats like normal but lately turned dark in colour and hiding in the corner the rest are always at the front of the tank looking out.I got a day off tomorrow so going to do a huge waterchange and try and give him a PP bath and see if that helps.


Sat May 09, 2009, 09:53 AM
Symptoms of flukes would normally be flicking and rubbing against objects in the tank. I would suspect something else. What are your water parameters, water change regime?

Sat May 09, 2009, 11:01 AM
If your fish is suffering with egglaying gillflukes then a PP bath is of no use as it does not kill off any eggs present. You only kill off the living flukes and and give the fish a break from the problem, but the stressfactor by been dipped in PP is no good to the fish so I would abandon the idea.
By far the best method to find out what your fish is suffering with is to take several scrapings from the side of the fish and having it examined under a microscope. This way you need not kill the fish.
The fish has to be brought to the vet / shop or what have you in a plastic bag because the scraping need to be carried out just before the examination.
This is bay far the best way to determain what your fish is suffering from and for correct action to be taken instead of waisting time and try different treatmentmethods that will stress your fish unnessesary

Sat May 09, 2009, 01:03 PM
If your fish is suffering with egglaying gillflukes then a PP bath is of no use as it does not kill off any eggs present. You only kill off the living flukes and and give the fish a break from the problem, but the stressfactor by been dipped in PP is no good to the fish so I would abandon the idea.
By far the best method to find out what your fish is suffering with is to take several scrapings from the side of the fish and having it examined under a microscope. This way you need not kill the fish.
The fish has to be brought to the vet / shop or what have you in a plastic bag because the scraping need to be carried out just before the examination.
This is bay far the best way to determain what your fish is suffering from and for correct action to be taken instead of waisting time and try different treatmentmethods that will stress your fish unnessesary

I believe you to be wrong. The correct course of treatment was taken to get rid of the gill flukes which were suspected. PP is a well established and effective treatment for flukes. If any eggs are still left after the first treatment, the next few treatments will kill off the newly hatched flukes. Job done.

What Iro is now experiencing may be a secondary infection caused by stress or just being run down, some fish are less able to cope than others. I would (in the absence of a scrape sample) treat with a broard based antibiotic in a QT tank and see what happens over the next few days.


Mon Jun 01, 2009, 08:43 PM
Problem is, if you treat with PP in the quarantine tank and then you return the fish in a contaminated tank, then they are going to get flukes again.

Something must be done for the main tank as well. Unless you leave all the fish out of the main tank and the flukes die from lack of food, then putting the fish back there will just keep re-infecting them.

If your fish is suffering with egglaying gillflukes then a PP bath is of no use as it does not kill off any eggs present. You only kill off the living flukes and and give the fish a break from the problem, but the stressfactor by been dipped in PP is no good to the fish so I would abandon the idea.
By far the best method to find out what your fish is suffering with is to take several scrapings from the side of the fish and having it examined under a microscope. This way you need not kill the fish.
The fish has to be brought to the vet / shop or what have you in a plastic bag because the scraping need to be carried out just before the examination.
This is bay far the best way to determain what your fish is suffering from and for correct action to be taken instead of waisting time and try different treatmentmethods that will stress your fish unnessesary

I believe you to be wrong. The correct course of treatment was taken to get rid of the gill flukes which were suspected. PP is a well established and effective treatment for flukes. If any eggs are still left after the first treatment, the next few treatments will kill off the newly hatched flukes. Job done.

What Iro is now experiencing may be a secondary infection caused by stress or just being run down, some fish are less able to cope than others. I would (in the absence of a scrape sample) treat with a broard based antibiotic in a QT tank and see what happens over the next few days.


Wed Jun 24, 2009, 03:19 AM
You could be diligent and do a large PP treatment of the main tank. Obviosuly keeping the discus out - can be done while fish are in Q.

Java moss and some plants will hate you for it but will bounce back. Be careful with any other fish kept in the tank. If done correctly you can treat the main tank while treating the discus. Id probably do a short strong bath, then a week later do a longer less strong bath. But thats me.