View Full Version : Hi, Im John

Mon Mar 16, 2009, 08:24 AM
hi there peoples!

just a bit about myself, my names john, i run a take away shop in the western suburbs in melbourne. i use to keep discus as a hobby and then tried to breed them. have bred discus before but i cannot say successfully, my two pairs of discus i purchased back in the year 2000, they were both a pigeon of some sort. they were big egg eaters, one pair just keep spawning and eating their eggs and the other pair spawned about 5 times before they got it right, the fries grew to about 5cent size and then slowly one by one they died..... i couldn't work it out back then but after reading on this forum, i reckon it was flukes that got them. not long after that, we had a power surge while i was away for the weekend and i ended up losing the parents as well. i was a bit disappointed and ended up shutting down my tanks (2x standard 3footer) at the start of this year, i went to thailand and visited some discus farms, they are amazing, ive seen some colours there that you cannot find in aus, i fell in love with them and after 9 years, i decided to start keeping discus again, when i came back, i went and brought 6 tanks and went nuts in purchasing discus, in the span of 3 months i now have 12 tanks and 28 discus. they are 13 adults 5"+ 15 sub adults 3-5"+. i also love cichlids and catfish, i am into l numbers catfish, african and american cichlids.

i always thought i was a experience fishkeeper but relised how little i knew about keeping fish haha. anyway, i hope i can learn more about these wonderful creatures and i really enjoy reading this forum, i think you guys are awesome for sharing your knowledge!



Mon Mar 16, 2009, 11:14 AM
welcome aboard mate, sounds like you'll fit right in :)

Mon Mar 16, 2009, 12:15 PM
:) thanks ILLUSN. How long have you been keeping discus? If you dont mind me asking

Mon Mar 16, 2009, 10:47 PM
dad was keeping discus before i was born i was doing water changes on dads brown discus and angels tank since i was 6, by 10 i was doing it to earn my pocket money (tight a** dad :P ) but didn't really get into fish seriously (multiple tanks) till i was 16 (discus & betta's). took a break for 3yrs over uni and just kept bettas till the misses and i moved out and decided it was time for better fish. I'm now 29 with a very messy fish room and a very understanding wife, so I've been keeping discus seriously on and off for bout 13 years, but i guess ive been cleaning up after them for 19 :roll:

Tue Mar 17, 2009, 12:23 AM
Cool. So that explans why you are so experienced. :) do you keep any other fish other then discus at the moment?

Tue Mar 17, 2009, 03:35 AM
Just rainbows, peppermints common BN's and a few tetras and loaches in a planted display tank

Tue Mar 17, 2009, 06:50 AM
nice, do you breed your fishes or just have them in the display tank?

Tue Mar 17, 2009, 08:00 AM
just breeding discus, peps and orange spots, the rest are just there to look pretty.

Tue Mar 17, 2009, 01:56 PM
Cool. I got 1 pair of pepps and 13 sub adults which should start breeding soon. Heard they are very difficult to breed compare to standard Bristlenoses.

Tue Mar 17, 2009, 01:57 PM
Cool. I got 1 pair of pepps and 13 sub adults which should start breeding soon. Heard they are very difficult to breed compare to standard Bristlenoses.