View Full Version : New 100gal Discus tank - Newb needs feedback

Thu Mar 12, 2009, 07:52 PM
Setting up old tank with new set-up.
100gal - 48" long X 28" high X 18" deep

First time doing fish on a large scale, much less Discus.
Been doing lots of internet research and think I have a good
plan but see what yall think.

I'm mainly concerned about what GH/KH and Ph readings yall
say I should have as there is a good bit of conflicting advice on the net.

1. Fish: Discus with some apistogramma, Rams and neon tetras.
Maybe some rainbows too. Will rainbows work with Discus ?

2. Live plants, lots of drift wood and Co2 system on/off with lights.

3. Wet/dry filter, with canister and UV sterilizer.

4. Lights: Have about 170-200 watts total light from (1) 4' single bulb flrcnt.
and (1) 4' double 65w skinny HO-flrcnt

5. 30% water changes 3 times a week from tank in garage with
mix of R/O and tap water to get hardness and PH right.
Water here is strange. Very low GH, but the KH is up off the scale
and Ph up in the high 7's.

Thoughts on water ? What readings should I strive for ?

I want water changes to be automatic with wet/dry overflow into the
garage to a sump and sump pump to drain and designed my DIY w/d
with that in mind.

Let me know what you think.





Thu Mar 12, 2009, 11:07 PM
Sounds like you have things well worked out, although I would not have the Rainbows, they are too quick for discus imo. The water condition is ok, try not to worry about what is perceived to be right, stability is the main thing you need to think about.
The tank looks good already, I wouldn't bother with plants, just makes more work. Good luck and keep us posted.
Who is supplying your fish over there?

H :)

Fri Mar 13, 2009, 02:03 AM
Rainbows are mainly a vegitarian fish mine always looked a little bloated when they got too much beefheart mix i dont keep them with discus any more.

the most important thing about kh and gh is stability, if your mixing RO you should be fine just tune your mix for so your ph stays steady (6.0-6.5 imo) and you good to go.

Fri Mar 13, 2009, 04:41 AM
Thanks guys,

After a lot more reading on the net, seems like I'm going to
shoot for a Kh of 4 and maintain a Ph of 6.9 with a Co2 controller
and water temp 82-84* (28c). This will give me 15-20ppm of Co2, good
for the plants but should not affect the fish at all and will insure
super stable Ph.

From what I can figure this seems to be the sweet spot for both
fish and plants.

Sound good to you guys ?

I'll be sure to post up some more pics as I get the tank filled
with critters.

Fri Mar 13, 2009, 11:38 PM
I'd personally go for 30C just to help keep disease at bay, still 28 is better than most planted tanks.