View Full Version : Discus very dark - is he sick?

Tue Mar 10, 2009, 01:16 AM
I have a 125gal planted gallon tank with

2 Pidgeon Bloods
2 blue diamonds
2 turquiose
2 Adult angels
6 corys
2 albino long fin plecos

Parameters are pH7.0 (high I know), amm, no2, no3 all zero
Temp 83
Water changes religiously weekly of 15-17gallons

The 125gal tank has been setup for a few months, canister filter and 2 sponge filters with power heads that are cleaned regularly, I had 4 of the discus in my 55 for some time and moved them over when I got a good deal on this tank.

In the last few days ive noticed one of my turquiose hiding in the back and he is BLACK - no slime, no injuries, his top and anal fins are all up and he is swimming upright fine. His side fins are tucked most of the time but not always. When he tries to come out my dominate fish (larger pidgeon blood) will bully him a bit back into the spot he is in. But he does come out when the dominate is at the other end of the tank but still black. Sick or otherwise he doesnt seem very happy at all and im worried.

All my other fish seem fine, they are eating VERY good and swimming all over the tank - except the one.

I cant find any reason other then maybe he is stressed from the bullying, but am really worried and want to do something in case it is a medical issue. All of these fish have been in the same tank for some time - the newest fish are the blue diamonds and even they have been in for over a month and a half.

Any ideas?

BTW - I really enjoy my Discus - I have always had aquariums and researched these guys a while back while looking for something more challenging then what petco or most lfs have to offer and have enjoyed them very much. I have never had fish that interact with me or my children as much as these do hehe -

I converted my 55 into a sw reef tank ;-)

Anyway Any help or ideas are greatly appriciated.

Thanks in advance