View Full Version : Bloated Discus

Mon Mar 02, 2009, 05:15 AM
My Marlboro has been extremely bloated for a few weeks now also its dorsal fin appears to be damaged with white spots on the tips. I also noticed a white film over its eye. This morning it was lying on its side at the bottom of the tank but it appears to have come good this afternoon. It is still eating well. I have recently treated my tank with Levamisole as one of my other discus appears thin and darkened in colour
Hope you can help


Mon Mar 02, 2009, 12:37 PM
If there is damage to the dorsal fins and the eyes are cloudy its highly likely your tanks parametres aren't good at all. The poor bugger proberly wants out.

Please post your tanks parametres here ASAP and also a pic of your fish if you can take one. Remember to include every detail from how many water changes a week you make to the pH etc etc etc.