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View Full Version : Thought i would make my first post

Tue Mar 16, 2004, 06:39 AM

My tank is a 6 * 2 * 2.5. I have CO2 running which is injected through a Magnum 450 canister filter as the reactor. I also running a big Otto filter at the other end.

Plants are Amazon swords both standard and thin leaf variety. As well as some large radican swords. The amazons are continually sending runners with new plants on them.

Tank parameters are 6.5 PH 30 degrees water is soft from tap and left untreated by myself.

Fish are 4 Red Snakeskins, 2 leopard snakeskins. 2 hekels, and 2 others I bought from Oxheart that I have no idea what he called them but they are nice. 4 Bristlenose Cats who actively breed in the tank. and two harlequins ( I wish the discus would eat them ).

Running 2 * 3 ft CoralLife tubes and two standard 4 ft gro-lux tubes. I am working on getting more light into the equation but the growth rate of things seems fine and tolerable at the moment.

Tue Mar 16, 2004, 07:50 AM

I love the plant layout, and the centrepiece chunk of wood... makes me drool... maybe I might have to take some notes and re-position my massive chunk of swamp wood in my 6ft'r and plant something interesting on it...

thanks for sharing the pic and specs... and welcome to DF.com...

(I modified your rank as well...)


Tue Mar 16, 2004, 04:00 PM
Love the look of the tank.


Wed Mar 17, 2004, 10:34 AM

How can you go wrong with swords? One of my favorite plants.

The driftwood is pretty snappy. Almost looks like a volcano. ;)


Wed Mar 17, 2004, 06:41 PM
WOW! Lovely tank, and everything is so healthy looking! :shock:

Thu Mar 18, 2004, 04:04 AM
Great looking tank!

I would love to see some pictures of the fishies ;)