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View Full Version : Ranchu with Discus

Mon Feb 16, 2009, 07:12 PM
Is it ok if i keep ranchu goldfish and discus together?

please advice

Mon Feb 16, 2009, 08:07 PM
What!!! :shock:

Ranchu are coldwater fish, NEVER put them with discus NEVER!!

Do some research for yourself, they are not compatable. Discus being tropical fish should be in temps of between 28 - 30C Ranchu's are in 20 - 24C[/b]

Tue Feb 17, 2009, 12:41 AM
I have kept goldfish with discus and they have thrived. [just grow big quick.] I buy my discus off an importer and he keeps goldfish with his discus too he recons they are the best cleaning fish he has ever had with his fish.So i would say no worrys as long as your tank isnt a planted one as the plants wont last long.

Tue Feb 17, 2009, 12:50 AM
Yes Goldfish can thrive in higher temps... a very good example of this is in southern Asia or even here in Australia but thats for COMMON GOLD FISH.

Ranchu's are a Japanese goldfish.... Japan can be a cold place.

And just to clarify... goldfish are certainly not a cleaning fish.

Tue Feb 17, 2009, 01:48 PM
my water temp is 28 all of the fish very active

Tue Feb 17, 2009, 06:49 PM
Read a bit more you will find my statement to be right 'Ranchu's are in 20 - 24C'

Anyone who is serious about keeping discus will not be keeping so many or mixing ith 'goldfish'

Tue Feb 17, 2009, 09:36 PM
I have never mixed gold fish & discus together. Until the posts here, everything I have read/heard says they are cold water fish. Discus, like Hollowman says, are tropical, liking water warmer than even most other tropicals. I would question that they are good cleaner fish. Again, mostly I have read & heard the opposite, that goldfish create a lot of waste.


Just like the other goldfish variants, the Ranchu Goldfish produces quite a lot of waste products and a small aquarium will soon suffer from poor water quality even with strong filtering
Each to their own and I think from reading another of your posts, you already have them together? It's not something I would do, given their different water temp requirements. Visually I would not like the look of seeing them both in the same aquarium anyway. Only my opinion, as beauty is in the eyes of the beholder (not saying I don't like Ranchu, just think they'd look very odd [to me] mixed in with discus).

Just my opinion :)