View Full Version : Shyness

Sat Jan 22, 2005, 01:57 PM
I have introduced 4 discus exactly one week ago sunday. They are all eating vewry well frozen, live and dry foods. They are however very shy and do not move from behind a piece of driftwood unless there is no one in the room or at least I am hiding.

Is this normal and will it improve? Should I plant large swordplants to create some shadow at the front of the tank?

Sat Jan 22, 2005, 10:35 PM
completely normal

just leave the tank alone, if they are eating all is good

don't add or change anything for a few weeks, don't even put your hand in!

once they are settled then think about changing the tank aruond

if you do it before they are setteled you will just prolong the shy hiding behaviour :wink:

Sun Jan 23, 2005, 11:40 AM
Thanks mate. You're always helping me out.

I was going to add some more large shaddy sword plants tomorrow. I will not now though.

Mon Jan 24, 2005, 09:20 AM
once there settled they will be fine, then you can move as much stuff as often as you like and they won't mind at all.

glad to help mate :D

Thu Jan 27, 2005, 10:57 AM
I had the same problem for months I had 5 discus in a 3foot tank, they were shy, hiding all the time.
Now I have a 5foot tank with 9 discus they refuse to hide,
Its the same fish in the same water parameters, I put it down in my case to strenth in numbers. Thes guys hand feed, sometime they attack my whilst syponing.

Thu Jan 27, 2005, 02:51 PM
Discus prefer areas they can "duck" into for security, even ones that have been established in tanks will typically 'hide' from unknown visitors (even unfamiliar sounds/vibrations can cause them to 'hide'.).. Hiding places [Plants, logs, roots, etc.] offer a place of temporary security (well being when nervous)... Numbers help somewhat as they can hide behind each other.. bolder ones taking the front line.... keep in mind that they are by 'nature' a "schooling" species..
Discus also "play dead", by that I mean they will lay flat on bottom of tank (box/bag/etc.)... You are dealing with a very instinctive/intelligent fish here. these and other traits are what make these fish so interesting... Combine that with thier ability to recognize people and even pets (other critters) and respond to them is pretty amazing for a FISH.
Some of mine even like to lay sideways at top of tank to be touched/stroked :shock: :wink:

Fri Jan 28, 2005, 01:42 PM
It is getting better. 2 of them come to the front of the tank when I come to the front. They are also not scared of the dog at all and its a pretty large dog. Matter of time.

Sun Jan 30, 2005, 06:22 AM
For sure There like sheep, one in all in . SOON YOU WILL BE LOVING IT