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View Full Version : SLS Febuary: Rare, medium and well done !

Sat Jan 22, 2005, 02:40 AM
List of interesting new fish currently available:

Discus NEW updated 11/02/05

White butterfly 5" - $400ea or $760/pr (2prs available)
Mandarin Passions 5" - $280
Violet Reflection D 5" - $280
Super Red Melon 3.5"-4" - $190 *SPECAIL!*
Golden Snakeskin 4" - $190
Red Turq (*selected fish) 4" - $165

Pearl pigeon 3"-3.5" - $70 *SUPER SPECIAL!!!*
Ocean Green 3"-3.5" - $85 *Special!*
Violet reflection 2.5" - $80
Leopard spot 2.5" - $70

Some pictures are here.

Angel High body Blue diamond 7-8cm - $80
Albino Rabbit eyes 7-8cm - $220 (Forum SPECIAL!)
Albino rabbit eyes 5cm - $150 SOLD!
Golden leopard spotted 7-8cm - $170

Pearl Pigeon 7-8cm - $70
Red Melon 6-7cm - $55 *SPECIAL*

High fin checkerboard 6-7cm - $60

Leopard Spotted snakeskin 9-10cm - $90 *SUPER SPECIAL!*

Golden x Red melon 12-14cm - $200
Blue diamonds 12-14cm - $170

Assorted 14cm LARGE discus on SPECIAL - $90ea or 2 for $160

Royal whiptails (Sturisoma panamense) 6-7cm - $25
Sturisoma foreschi 6-7cm
Rineoloricaria falax 6-8cm

True siamese flying fox (C.siamensis) 4cm

Bristlenose catfish 4cm ---- 500 in stock!
Bristlenose catfish 6cm - 100 in stock!!
Gibbiceps pleco 6-7cm - 50 in stock!!

Peppermint bristlenose 3-4cm *new
Albino bristlenose 4cm
Orange spot ancistrus 5cm

Rare plecos
L168 - Butterfly pleco
L134 - Leopard frog pleco (Adult!)
L262 - Hyspancistrus sp (7-8cm)
L27 - Royal Panaque
L047 - Zebra pleco *SOLD*
L333 Adult 9-10cm
Bulldog pleco colony 1m/2f

Central and South American cichlids
Acarichthys heckelii 6cm - $45 *RARE*

Geophagus altifrons 8-10cm - $70 *Rare*
Gymnogeophagus balzanii 6-7cm - $40 *uncommon*... beutiful fish!
Geophagus steindachneri 8cm -$40

Copora nicaraguensis 6cm - 17.95

Amphilophus festae 4cm *Rare*
Petina splendida "Bay Snooks" 7-8cm

Apistogramma macmasteri
Apistogramma veijita *Sold out*
Apistogramma trifasciata "Guapore red" *Sold out*
Apistogramma hongsloi "Super Red Stroke"
Apistogramma agassizii

Barbs and Tetras of interest
Cardinal tetras 2-2.5cm - 24 for $80
Rummy nose tetras 3-4cm - 24 for $80
Puntius denisoni 6-7cm *RARE and BEAUTIFUL!*

Senegalus bichir (SOLD OUT)
Albino senegalus
Sorubim lima *Sold
RTG aro :wink: *SOLD
RTC :wink: *SOLD
Cigar sharks
Bunocephalus coracoideus (Banjo catfish) *Rare* - $350ea

Interesting corydoras
Corydoras melini
Corydoras metae

African cichlids and riftlake fish

Metriaclima msobo "magunga" 6cm *Rare*
Placidochromis sp "Johnstoni Solo" *Rare* Picture below of what they are... Very new in the country.
Synodontis nyassa 6-7cm

Altolamprologus compressiceps Gold
Altolamprologus calvus "Black"
Altolamprologus compressiceps "Fire Fin"
Altolamprologus "Sumbu shell"

Tropheus duboisi "Maswa"
Tropheus moori "Moliro"

Paracyprichromis nigripinnis

Lamprologus multifasciatus

Synodontis multipunctatus "Wildcaught" 12cm
Synodontis petricola 4cm

Sat Jan 22, 2005, 05:45 AM
Gee's, Im new to discus and I can see its going to cost me some serious dough in the future.

Sat Jan 22, 2005, 06:18 AM
pricing/size for L052/134 kev?

pic for angel blue diamond would be nice :)

Sat Jan 22, 2005, 01:19 PM
Hey kev, are all these stock currently available in the store?

Just double checking they arent in quarantine or something.

Sat Jan 22, 2005, 02:22 PM
yes they are ALL here.

Sat Jan 29, 2005, 11:34 PM
A few more interesting fish added to the list. :wink:

Sun Jan 30, 2005, 03:54 AM
just wondering ive never seen a RTG on sale wots the price on one of these?

Sat Feb 05, 2005, 11:06 PM
Few more rare and unusual fish added, including some African cichlids. :wink:

Sun Feb 06, 2005, 01:23 PM
did some body say african cichlids????


Sun Feb 06, 2005, 10:00 PM
Only trully dwarf african atm are the L. multifasciatus. Awaiting the A.sp "Sumbu shell" which is another dwarf.

Tue Feb 08, 2005, 03:19 AM
can you pm the price for :

Albino senegalus
Sorubim lima
RTG aro


Tue Feb 08, 2005, 06:30 AM
u have pm.

Fri Feb 11, 2005, 02:02 PM
New Discus out of quarantine~!!