View Full Version : Undersink Water Filters - Why they might be bad

Sat Jan 24, 2009, 05:16 PM
I recently installed an under sink two cartridge water filter to improve the quality of water I was putting into my 100l Discus/Community tank. The first cartridge filters sediment and other large debris and the second filter (0.5 micron carbon) removes, chlorine, pesticide & insecticide residue, Lead, Mercury, Zinc (Heavy Metals). I still used a water conditioner to be sure.

After the first water change using this better water I lost a 15cm Cobalt in less than 12 hours. I thought he died from a poison introduced by my overzealous housekeeper. That was quickly ruled out. But still no answer on why it happened.

So I tried the LFS. “He was spooked.” Gee, thanks. No white feces or heavy breathing either.

I did my weekly water change – yes weekly - today. Went out to a concert. And by the time I returned, about 12 hours later, the second Cobalt was dark, and the pair of Brilliant Turquoise had lost all of their colour! The cardinals, emperors and black neons were all white! And one dead cory. Everyone was hovering at the bottom of the tank.
I immediately did a 50% water change – without using the two-stage filtered water. Within 20 minutes, colour had returned to everyone and the Cobalt was back to his normal self.

Why am I telling you all of this? I took the under sink filter apart – it’s the only thing I’ve changed in my maintenance regimen – and found that the rubber o’rings are covered in what looked like Vaseline but which I have since discovered is silicone lubricant. And before you ask – I ran more than 100 litres of water through the system - which went into my rainwater tank – and ran the normal tests on the water. Everything looked A-O’Kay.

I might be jumping to conclusions. But that filter is the only thing I have changed and I almost ended up with 4 dead Discus.

Sat Jan 24, 2009, 08:45 PM
silicone lube isn't bad i use it on all my filter hoses when i install them and o rings in my filters every clean, was the carbon filter clean? then need to be throughly flushed before you can use them, otherwise all kinds of cr@p comes out of them for the first few uses.

Sun Jan 25, 2009, 01:57 AM
under the sink you mean like a Ehiem canister that sits under your tank..etc..
this is an extra one for the tank besides the one originally running one?
sorry for my ignorance Im just trying to understand, so sorry for the loss as you were trying to to better for the fish..
could it be over kill? filtering.. just a guess..

Sun Jan 25, 2009, 06:52 AM
No it's like one of these:

Mon Jan 26, 2009, 04:37 AM
:oops: ..so a water purifier,softener.. some might contain salt..I know of someone that has one instaled but much bigger model..and she lost fish, this was moving to a new home and not knowing about it setting back up and one by one losing them..
would the smaller ones have salt?within the system? that would certainly do it!..

Mon Jan 26, 2009, 05:41 AM
you could be overdosing on water conditioner, if the water comming out of the carbon filter is clean then theres nothing for the conditioner to work, if active it could irritate sensitive fish.

have a read here


this thread describes a lab using a carbon filter like yours to keep salmon.

Thu Feb 12, 2009, 02:51 PM
I use a two stage filter for all my town water with no problems at all.

I know some carbon cartridges are silver impregnated. Maybe this is the problem as some types of silver compounds are toxic to fish.

I have no problems with the Matrikx brand cartridges.