View Full Version : do i need to get rid of my 3rd discus when other 2 breeding

Mon Jan 19, 2009, 10:22 AM
my 2 discus have bred again and they are a definate true pair as i saw their breeding tubes,my red turquise is female and my pigeon blood is the male as i watched in fascination to make sure they were both not female and hey presto what do you know they were laying on my eheim filter this time but half way through my third discus which is also a pigeon blood of unknown sex kept approaching and being battled off by the male they were at it for ages so i think only a small amount of the eggs will be fertilized due to this fighting ,is it a good idea to remove this third discus out of the tank as i beieve it will be causing distress to itself and also the breeding pair,i am not breeding them for sale or anything im just letting nature take its cause but i dont want any of them to be killed due to the distress or fighting ,please can somebody help, also when is it a good idea to clean my tank as it was due a clean on saturday and have hair algae on some of the amazon sword plants, please any help is good help as all my books i have on the discus does not state this problem
thank you
JJ1 :lol:

Mon Jan 19, 2009, 06:41 PM
Firstly, how do you know it is a real pair, have you had wrigglers from this pairing. It could be 2 females...
In my opinion, this is not a good pairing anyway, it will throw mostly pigeon blood fry that are heavily peppered.

Another thing, I take it from what you say, that they are in a planted, possibly community tank, the chances of raising fry in this scenario are pretty much zero. If you have another tank, put the 2 pigeons in there and see what happens.
Three fish is never a good number for any discus keeper, one will always be the one to get its butt kicked. Try and do some reading on breeding and the conditions required, water changes and environment, you should find that by using the search on the top of the page.
