View Full Version : Octozin Use By Question

Bill Tune
Fri Jan 16, 2009, 04:31 AM
Does anyone know if Octozin goes off?
I have some that I got from Waterlife some years ago. Used it once & it fixed up everything.
I've sort of started again - it's a long and tragic story- with a new batch of fish & thought I would give them a treatment as you neve know what bugs new fish bring along.
Particularly, one of them has not started eating and is very withdrawn.

Fri Jan 16, 2009, 04:48 PM
If it's been sitting for a long time Bill, I would probably chuck it and get some more. Even if it has been dry or kept in a good environment do you want to take the risk?

H :)

Fri Jan 16, 2009, 10:09 PM
the active ingrediant has a half life of about 5 years, and makes up only 8.5% of the product (weight/weight) so long as it hasn't been stored in extrem temps ( above 30C) or in direct sunlight it will be fine i have a few bottles here that are 14 monts old and still effective, octozin for discus is safe at levels up to a triple dose (3 tabs/22.5L) so if its been siting for a while concider using a double dose for treatment