View Full Version : help freighting fish

Mon Jan 05, 2009, 10:21 AM
Hi all ,
i did a search but didn't come up with anything :cry:
what i need to know is the ins and outs of freighting fish , now i rang australian air express and got a price to send 3 fish to melb from qld .
$84.50 :shock: now is that normal for freight ... i have never sent fish before so this is all new to me .

foam boxs must have fish embossed on it correct ? and where do you buy them ?

water in the bag how much ? because i dont want to rip people off on the freight but dont want the fish to suffer either if you know what i mean.
i know you have small (5cm) and large (12cm) discus to consider,

double bag and tape corners of bag so fish dont get stuck correct ?

so i would like to know what you pay how you pack them ?

thanks margaret

Mon Jan 05, 2009, 01:23 PM
G'day Margaret, this is Mick, who's daughter picked up the blue diamonds the other day - thanks again for the extra one. The way you packed the fish for the trip to Bundy was perfect, right amount of water, gas , size etc. Even for the larger fish, there was ample water.Enough to cover just over the height of the fish is fine, maybe just put some newspaper between the2 bags so the fish can't see each other.Freight quoted was about right - they're just about the cheapest and the best for interstate transport. Sorry, can't helpyou with the containers

Mon Jan 05, 2009, 01:28 PM
Sorry, forgot to mention - don't know what you mean by embossed - just writing " live fish" in texta or such on the box should be enough.Again, if you pack the fish like you did for me, that would be perfect for intertate transport.

Mon Jan 05, 2009, 01:34 PM
By the way - any body interested in buying Margaret's fish won't be disappointed - they are top quality!

Mon Jan 05, 2009, 08:50 PM
that 's great mick that you are happy with the fish :D. yes i will do that with the newspaper in between bags , and here a pic of what i was talking
about fish embossed on lid this is what aae said to use

thanks margaret

Mon Jan 05, 2009, 09:15 PM
i've never seen that before - and i've had many, many fish air freighted to me, even in polystyrene eskys. As i said, the container you sent the fish to me in was perfect, just write live fish on the box.

Mon Jan 05, 2009, 09:24 PM
from the looks of that picture, maybe they misinterpreted what you wanted to ship as dead fish. saying as the box says seafood on it, which wouldnt indicate the level of caution required for a live fish.

whenever ive received fish in the mail, it had "LIVE FISH - HANDLE WITH CARE" printed in big bold letters around the box.
but i live in the US.

Tue Jan 06, 2009, 11:25 AM
when i rang aae they said must have fish embossed on lid . so i got
this one from lfs which they got live fish in .. so i dont know :?

cheers margaret :)