View Full Version : 4 years away from fish, Now I'm back. Mt Barker, SA.

Mon Dec 01, 2008, 09:25 PM
Hello everyone.
An awesome forum with so many helpful members.
Great job on really having that community spirit.

I once bred mainly African cichlids 4 years ago and had around 25 tanks.
I had a few big display tanks and some nice comfortable breeding tanks with a large heated room lined with stands.

One large display tank was my Discus tank and I loved it.

I am now setting up again here in Mt Barker, SA.
Just one tank for now, a large display tank that will be nicely planted, contain discus mainly and neons. I may also put in a few Plecos.

I noticed a thread where someone says they are in the Adelaide Hills, I would be interested in chatting with anyone in the Adelaide area as will be looking for some top quality Discus in around 8 weeks.
pm me and I can forward my contact details as I would love prices and photos of whats available.

Also recommendations on the best local fish shops here for quality. Price remains relative to me as long as quality is there for the money.

Sorry about the long intro, I am just stoked that I can return to the hobby I love.


Wed Dec 03, 2008, 12:54 PM
Hi Damon,

Looking forward to seeing your progress.

I had Discus in a four foot tank here for a while but they weren't exactly what I wanted. Sort of wish I had kept them though as I've not been able to get anything I want since switching back.

I have some Koi Angels breeding at the moment, fry are coming up to a week old in a community tank (neons, bronze corys) and seem to be doing okay.

Mrs Bob grew up in Mt Barker and we are looking at Mt Gambier in the future (8 years probably).

Good luck with the display.



Thu Dec 04, 2008, 04:36 AM
Thanks Bob,
Mt Barker is a great spot and we are both loving it.
Going plant, test kit and wood hunting this weekend then starting our fishless cycle.

It seems there are a few here in SA enjoying Discus.

Damon and Louise

Thu Dec 04, 2008, 08:24 AM
Hi Damon, what sort of plants are you looking for. Are you going to stick to Amazon plants if not I have some Ambulia I can let you have as we are always pruning ours. Cuttings seem to root easily. No charge of course. We have family in Callington. So we are up that way every couple of weeks.

Fri Dec 12, 2008, 02:18 AM
Hello there.
Thanks for your reply.
I have found some great planted drift wood in Adelaide and have two pieces in my tank. I also found some nice grass that my wife liked so we bought that.
Going to be after some taller plants for back and then some chain swords and hair grass for front of tank.
Thanks for your offer of Ambulia but I don't think we will take you up on that. Appreciated though.


Sun Dec 14, 2008, 09:20 AM
Welcome to the forum Damon.

You'll find lots of friendly and helpful folk on here.


Mon Dec 15, 2008, 12:49 AM
Yes, I have the plants in, the water clear, the wood, the pebbles, just need a few more pots of hair grass to soften some lines and I will post a photo.

I am happy with how its coming as its looking like a habitat and less like a fish tank.

So much great advice on here in all categories and such a wealth of knowledge, I am wrapped I found this forum.

Stay tuned for a photo.


Tue Dec 16, 2008, 07:25 AM
Looking forward to the photo's Damon. When you are ready for your fish you could check out clear water aqaurims at Enfield. Ken does have some nice Discus and is very knowledgable. Best to ring first as it's a long drive for you.