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View Full Version : How long before discus start getting their coloring

Sun Nov 30, 2008, 02:39 AM
I have 3 sets of babies (about 50 fish)that i have had. they range from 2 to 3 months. The father is a darker orange pigeon blod and the mother is a lighter tangerine. They are still not coloring at all. At what age do they normally start coloring. Some have started getting black tips on their fins but still no color. Is this normal? They seem to be growing well (good size) and are eating like crazy. Have been feeding beefheart and Omega one flakes. APPRECIATE ANY HELP OR INPUT YOU HAVE

Sun Nov 30, 2008, 11:44 AM

Take a look at this thread :


It is an excellent diary of fry growth by DIY. It shows how the colours are just starting to show right now. Some strains will take longer than others to colour up though, so at 3+ months they should start to show colour. Different foods will also help them to enhance their colours too.

The black tips on the fins you are seeing is because your fish are pigeon based discus. Not a good trait for this strain, but unless you started with really good clean fish, this is what you will get. Breeders try to get rid of peppering, but with bad crossing and poor fish this is what happens, no disrespect intended here, it just happens.


Hollowman :)