View Full Version : Odd mark

Thu Nov 13, 2008, 01:54 AM
I saw my discus just now and it breathed really realy fast. That just made me look at its fins and I noticed that that on its pectorals it as a dot on it and its cadual fin has a smeer white cloudy thing on it. This is the one that is not eating. I am going to use pelafix as a preventitive but does anyone else have a suggestion?


Fri Nov 14, 2008, 04:30 PM
I see the fish flinching abunch now. LIke turning its head to the side. the fungus stuff disapeared so that is good. Some darting around though....
I am confused

Sat Nov 15, 2008, 03:11 AM
Anyone ever use the Maracyn plus before? I was wondering if you needed to take out the carbon filter? It said you don;t I think.