View Full Version : Tank maxed?

Sun Nov 09, 2008, 04:30 AM
Ok I got 2 discus in in a 30 gallon, 114 liters, tank. I only have a clown loach, dwarf ranbow fish, danio and BN pleco other than the discus and the clown usually hides in its cave I made that I too small for it so it seems like he isn;t even in the tank. The new discus I got today is dominating the other one that I have had for a week. even though I got them seperately they are actually from the same shipement. In the store tank they all were fine, no fighting and there was 4. I know that the fish should calm down enough in time but I assume that it couldn't hurt to get another to help stop this. How many fish do you think I can have, or do you think that my tank is maxed?

Oh ya I do two 25% water changes a week and every night, before last feeding, I do a 1 liter clean up of debris, I will do more changes when it is deemed need.

Sun Nov 09, 2008, 05:52 AM
4 Discus is pushing it - generally an adult discus requires 40-50l. You can keep more smaller discus but they'll eventually outgrow the tank.

Sun Nov 09, 2008, 08:58 AM
I'd stay with 3 fish Zero. Four would be way too many.

Sun Nov 09, 2008, 03:36 PM
ok I was thinking it was. So one more :). thanks all
