View Full Version : Moving Parents

Tue Nov 04, 2008, 01:27 AM
Hi All

Just would like some advice on when fry should be moved from the parents.
I have Babies that are about 3 weeks old now (2 weeks free swimming). the babies are eating baby brine and still looks like the are feeding from the parents as well. Currently parents and babies are in a divided into 2 - 48 X 18 X 18 tank with sponge filter. This is my first lot of babies and I'm now heading into new area of discus keeping.

In advice will be greatly appreciated.

P.S - I have to give a big thanks to DIY's thread which has shed a lot of lite in getting my babies to this point.

Thanks all

Tue Nov 04, 2008, 04:29 AM
i'd leave them with mum and dad for another week at least, then i'd take out mum and dad and put them into a seperate tank and leave the bubs where they are till they are around the size of a 20cent coin. small discus dont handel moves very well ime.

Tue Nov 04, 2008, 06:23 AM
Thanks Illusn Will do