View Full Version : Greetings from Perth

Thu Oct 30, 2008, 05:33 AM
Glad I found this forum, it has been an interesting read the past few days. I have been a fish keeping enthusiast for over 20 years now, but have been very very low key recently ie currently I have a Large Vase with a Betta in it I did have for 10 years a 4ft Regular Tropical so have a little experience...

However, I have under construction an 8x2x2.5 (not sure which goes where but 2.5 is the height) tank with a high gloss white cabinet. I am Looking at an Eheim 2080 Pro 3 Cannister, a UV Clarifier, 2x 300W Jager heater and a pair of T5 twin system lights.

I am planning on making it a Discus Community Tank, around 7 Discus, 6 Blue Rams (2M 4F), some Cory's/Catfish/Loaches for cleaning, a school of cardinals and a school of rummy noses, plus I may let my Betta stretch his fins out. Any advice on how much of what appreciated.
The tank will be planted and have rocks and driftwood. Would love to hear from anyone with thoughts on what I should use for the substrate, I am still unsure but leaning towards something white, or Black.

I'm sure you will see many more posts over the next few years. Bye for now.

Thu Oct 30, 2008, 10:44 AM
welcome Brad - sounds like you are going to have one fine tank once you get it up and running!
Don't forget to keep us updated with regular pics!!

Fri Oct 31, 2008, 12:54 AM
Welcome to the forum Brad. Glad you found us.

Hope you enjoy your time here. :P