View Full Version : Breeding Tank Size

Tue Oct 28, 2008, 03:27 AM

just wonder, is it ok to use a 3 foot tank to breed discus ? I know the normal breeding tank size is 2 foot tank. However, i do not have much space at home to put extra tanks. Therefore I can only put an discus breeding tank.

Tue Oct 28, 2008, 05:58 AM
If you're talking about a standard three foot tank 36 x 12 x 18 then that will be fine.

The only reason we like a two foot tank is that the smaller space makes it easier for the fry to find their parents and they don't swim off and get lost.

When your fish have free swimming fry, if you find they are having difficulty finding and attaching to the parents, lower the level of the water so it just covers the top of the adult fish, and if necessary, also use a solid divider to keep the babies near their parents.

Once they are properly attached, which usually takes a day or so, you can remove the divider and slowly refill the tank.

Tue Oct 28, 2008, 07:42 AM
great ....

thanks very much for all the helpful information.