View Full Version : Homemade natural dog food

Sat Oct 25, 2008, 07:56 AM
Hi does anyone here make their own dog food? I have just started making food for Moby (after Moby Dick - good name for an aquarists dog 8-) 8-) ) my moodle (see pics below) I found a few recipes but have read differing views on what supplements. So I far I add Kelp; spiralina - greens & reds, calcium, omega majic plus, 1 clove garlic, egg and mince fit for humans :lol:
No grains!! There are some really good organic mixes available in USA but not much here, the ones in Australia contain grain :roll:
puppy Moby - 15 weeks old (when I got him)

Moby - Keeper of discus ( 6 months )

Moby - beach bum (his first visit to the beach) (6 1/2 months)

Sat Oct 25, 2008, 08:04 AM
I forgot I also add a little glusoamine for his joints as a preventative

Sat Oct 25, 2008, 08:46 AM
Aww, How cute. I made dog biscuits once with a Dr. Harry recipe. Our dogs loved them. :)

mistakes r crucial
Mon Dec 01, 2008, 04:51 AM
Hi Waitaki,

Take a look at the research on Astaxanthin and dogs. I swear by it, we swear by it and so do our dogs, it works. If you can't find enough give me a shout, I have about 6 years worth.

We changed our 3 dogs diet to raw (plus veges) about 2 years ago and have never looked back and neither have they. If only Coles and Woolworths either gave a crap or read the research we'd all be going forward.

Mon Dec 01, 2008, 09:33 AM
thanks for that MAC - you've got me sold! I'll PM you about where I can get the stuff. Lucky for my pup I have learned about the BARF diet early in his life I'm sure he'll benefit from it. I had to feed him canned food the other day - pooh what a mess it made! I won't be caught short (pardon the expression) again for both our sakes!

I've been using spiralina on and off for about 15 years - swear by it, when I'm not taking it I get sick, looking forward to trying astaxanthin now!! :lol: :lol:

Mon Dec 01, 2008, 12:50 PM
I was wondering a good recipe too. I'm looking into what needs to go in there besides beef, carrots, peas, rice, etc....

Our 2 dogs go through a 40 lb. bag in two weeks. We used to pay $28 for that bag and in two years it's gone up to $50 a bag! So that's $100 in a month...that's when I decided it would be better to make their own food! lol!

mistakes r crucial
Mon Dec 01, 2008, 08:27 PM
Hi Renee,

We don't use recipes as such. We use chicken necks, meat offcuts from the butcher and mix them with NatuRose (Astaxanthin, minerals etc) and blanched vegetables and they thrive on it. If we run out they still never get commercial food, we learnt that lesson real quick. If they're inside dogs and even perfectly house trained you can still expect one he1l of a mess when you get up the next day. After a raw diet commercial food goes straight through them. These days one of our dogs will stand there and eat a bowl full of straight veges on their own, she loves 'em.

Mon Dec 01, 2008, 09:37 PM
Cute little guy :D

Tue Dec 02, 2008, 02:08 AM
We feed our four dogs chicken necks and lamb rib bones . Cleans their teeth and keeps them occupied. ;)

Wed Dec 10, 2008, 01:08 AM
He is soooo cute but may I ask...

What is a Moodle?


Sat Dec 13, 2008, 04:06 AM
a moodle is a cross between a Poodle and maltese they are also know as Maltipoo's!!