View Full Version : Whats this

Sat Jan 08, 2005, 11:34 AM
one of the little ones has a long stringy poo its about 3 inches long and looks a bit like a cotton thread and it wont drop off
It has gone now also he is alittle dark in colour, the eyes are still bright and is still active around the tank but ive notice growth in the other two yet he has not grown and still not eating conditions are good ph 7 0 amn
0 nitr temps has droped to 28 was 30-31 we had a few warm days here, and it cooled off abit. the room iam in gets bloody hot so i set the temp at 28 this is a problem trying to have stable tank temps in the summer months my tanks ony small at 88 litres so temps will rise and fall fairley quickly. Iam worried this fish may become ill if i dont act quick what do you think

Sat Jan 08, 2005, 01:15 PM
Does it look worm like or stringy ?

Sat Jan 08, 2005, 11:31 PM
i would suggest your normal water change then a treatment of Praziquantel, while you are treating your tank turn off your lights

this should clear the problem pretty quick :wink:

Sun Jan 09, 2005, 09:50 AM
it looks stringy
thanks dave
ok will do that thanks ryan

Sun Jan 09, 2005, 10:10 AM
oh ... if it looks stringy ... it could be a sign of hex. Which you treat with metro not prazi. Are you sure it has not broken off ? When mine had hex , they would get stringy poos ... but it would break off. And another stringy poo would appear.

Sun Jan 09, 2005, 10:15 AM
Yes it had broken off then more appeared later now it has gone
could it have a tape worm because it wants to eat but spits out when it does

Sun Jan 09, 2005, 10:26 AM
I am thinking it is hex, which you treat with metronidazole ... which u can pick up quite cheaply form the doctor as flagyl or more expensively from the vet. In my experience treating with metro is very stress-free for for the fish.

If however you think it is worms ... then treat with prazi which is available as a fluke and tapeworm treatment from most LFS ... but do half recommended dose as discus seem quite sensitive to this drug .

I would go with a metro treatment first. I have had quite an experience with hex ... 3 normal treatments and 1 mega treatment that did the trick over a 1 month period ... see the link I have attached. There are some excellent posts in discusforrums in regards to this.


Sun Jan 09, 2005, 11:58 AM
I will go with your plan as iam inexpericed with these discus
thank u