View Full Version : flagellol

Mon Sep 29, 2008, 09:54 PM
I just got posted a brochure from sera and noticed somemeds they have in their range and wondered about them.
nematol against nematodes
tremazol against gill and skin flukes tapeworm and transversotrema
argulol against parasitic crustations fish lice anchorworms
flagellol against hex and hole in the head
protazol against external parasites
My lps doesn't stock very much as it is so small but it does stock this brand so I thought maybe they coud get it for me. Has anyone used these meds?

Mon Sep 29, 2008, 10:48 PM
not answering your question directly - but there are two reasons why lfs don't stock the full range of meds is:
1: the cost of the licence for the importer for the licence to supply $thousands$$
2: Australia has strick importing regulations, if they don't know whats in it they send it back, they are really bad with human health products as well.
anyway to answer your question I haven't used any of them. Maybe someone else haas