View Full Version : 2 Breeding questions ?

Sat Sep 27, 2008, 02:26 PM
Hi :D

I need some advice please.

1. I have a young pair of blue turks that had spawned last week and the eggs hatched,the male went very dark and started to secrete the milk, the female didnt really darken that much.The fry then began to feed on the dad but he lost his dark colour very quickly and the fry dropped off within a day or two after that ! Is this inexperience?

2. Also i need to clean the tank, they have just laid again on the spawning cone but i need to clean the glass and bottom as its a bit grubby and was wondering if that is a good idea or not ? Would they spook and eat the eggs ? and how about when the fry hatch how do i go with cleaning then ?

The water quality is still good as im running a eheim pro 2 canister on the breeding tank and my nitrates barely register after one week ( under 5mg/l ) and my ph is around 6.1.

Any help/tips would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks :D

Sat Sep 27, 2008, 03:23 PM
IME the parent fish do not have ot go dark, in fact PB's cant and the fry still feed well off of them. Possibly just a poor batch of fry, are there any left?

As for cleaning, you can still clean, water change as normal, wipe down the sides/bottom and siphon out any waste. I just keep my regime the same, if the fish are happy and confident with what you do normally, then carry on. Sometimes they get quite defensive around the eggs, I have been nipped lots of times, but I think they know that you are no danger to the eggs, and mine let me clean around them.



Sat Sep 27, 2008, 03:31 PM
Thanks H :D

No fry left but they have spawned again today. They still are a bit nervous in the tank they are in as they have only been in there 2 weeks.

Will clean the tank tommorow and see how i go.

The male since spawning this afternoon has started to darken again and hopefully have better luck this time :D


Sat Sep 27, 2008, 05:45 PM
Good luck mate :)