View Full Version : Resting time between eggs

Wed Sep 24, 2008, 01:24 AM
I have a pair that have bred 4 time in the last three months, have about 100 babies. Do they need to rest from breeding or just let them keep going. they lay about 2 days after the fry are removed and sometimes with the fry still there. Do they need a break? if so what do I do to give them one ( move to a community tank, seperate them etc.) I waited the last time and did not put my pot for eggs back in and they just laid on the glass of the aquarium. Just seems like a lot of breeding in a short time. APPRECIAT EVERYONE HELP

Wed Sep 24, 2008, 12:57 PM
I found that my discus breeding pair didn't eat well while they were spawning and nursing. I therefore recommend you give one of them a rest in the community tank probably best to separate them for a couple of weeks,keep them fed and strong