View Full Version : Discus growout tanks ?

Thu Sep 11, 2008, 02:03 PM
Hi :D

Am wondering what is the normal sized growout tanks that people use for their juvies depending and numbers and size ?

I have some 2x18x18`s at my disposal ( i believe that they are good breeding sized tanks for a mated pair ?)

I also have some 3x2x18`s and some 5x2x18`s that i can use down the track also.

Can people please give me some idea of what size tanks that they are using in various situations.

Thanks :D

Fri Sep 19, 2008, 12:23 PM
2x18x18 is good till the spawn is around 6 weeks old then your better off going to something like a 160L for another 2-3 weeks or as i do to a 300L till they get big enough to move out.

keep the current gentle (aim spray bars at the back/sides of tank) so as the fry dont get tired out swimming in the current.

Fri Sep 19, 2008, 03:29 PM

How lohng do you let the fry feed of the parents mucus coating before weening them ? 2 weeks or more/less ?

Thanks for you help as my blue turks have just had a large spawn in a 2x18x18 and this is my first breeding.

Cheers :D

Fri Sep 19, 2008, 06:54 PM
Hi Scat,

I tend to try to leave them with the parents for as long as possible. If this goes past the 4 weeks period, all the better.
You can normally see the parents getting agitated when they have had enough of the fry too, or if the parents are starting to look as if they are getting sore, it's time to move them out.



Sat Sep 20, 2008, 01:47 AM
Thanks H :D

I had read that the fry should be left no longer than 2 weeks with the parents or they can damage the parents but keep seeing expeirences like you have had had where 4+ weeks is not uncommon and was confused, so its good to know.

Thanks for your help :D

Sat Sep 20, 2008, 08:19 AM
Scat, well this has been my experience. Getting the fry on a second/third food source as soon as possible can avoid the parents getting damaged, specially if it is a large batch of fry.
Read up on hatching BBS (baby brine shrimp - Artemia) you don't need any special equipment to do it, but they are a great source of protein. I have also had good sucess with decapsulated brine shrimp, no hatching, just add.


Mon Sep 22, 2008, 06:17 AM
i agree with hollowman, i like to leave fry with parents for 4 weeks, but after 2 weeks old i fed them as often as i can (4x on work days up to 8x on weekends) with super finely ground beefheat mix.

needless to say in a 2x18x18 you NEED to do daily water changes (on weekdays) and up to 2x daily (on weekends) i change bout 85-905 of the water each change, the little buggers just grow and grow.